beth,.. any one?? need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!..


Active Member

ok beth, or any 1 that can help.. i just looked at my 5.5'' tusk and he is missing 1/4 of his fin.... i read in 'beth's sticky' that hyposalinity will kill ich.... my tush was in a ht for 10 days now w/copper and it dont look like it help... so... how do i curew my lil baby (tusk) of this friggin problem!! he look like nemo!!! (lucky fin).... ohh yeah i even fresh dipped him .... but dint help.. what next?... hyposalinity? and over how long should the transition take to get to 1.009?? 1 week?
all water water perameter is 0 except nitrate 20


Active Member
Missing a part of a fin really isn't Ick related and Hypo is probably not the right "treatment"...
Sounds more like a bacterial problem that regular partial WCs would help tremendously...
How are (post 'em) the levels in your tank..High nitrItes/nitrAtes/ammonia can stress fish and feed a bacterial problem as well...
From your "other" thread, have you gotten your circulation/filtration up to snuff...That in itself can help the situation...along with regular partial WCs to bring levels in line...


Active Member
yahh i finaly just ditched my old bio-ball tricle filter and used a rubbermaid as a sump... untill i fix da old thing.. but yeah.. i got the iwaki circulating the water with a powerhead.. ( about 1500 to 1700 gph curculating around)
fall fish are swimming around strong as can be.... eat food and all...
anywayz.. i put my fish in a 20 gal ht tank w/ maracyn.. 2 tablets.. today.. hopefully it workz.. stuck a pwerhead and a air pump in it to circulate water...
as stated on 1st post.. all water chemisrty is 0 except nitrate 20.... ill be doing water changes soon..


Active Member
hey how many days do i leave maracyn in the qt befor i da a wc??? i know the 1st wc is in 3 dayz .... what about the 2nd wc?


Active Member
The directions on the package insert recommend a 25% water change after day 5.
Make sure you have no fresh activated carbon. This medication is bound up by carbon and loses its effectiveness.


Use the Maracyn-Two at the double dose each and every day for 7 to 10 days if the infection appears to be internal, 5 to 7 days for external. A small water change before each dose is recommended because the organics in the water can inactivate the antibiotics.
This works well with popeye, might in your instance as well.


Active Member
kool boss.. thx for all the info guyz.. my fish seem to be better now.. ill leave him in ht for another day or soo...


Staff member
Can you describe the fin situation? Are the fins ragged or do they looked chewed off? What other fish do you have? Exposure to copper and poor environment could well be the problem in which case antibiotics may not help. Give more details about what you see?


Active Member
k k.. well i read your common cure thingie... and so i put my tusk into a 30 gal rubbermade w/a powerhead... i used 2 tablets of maracyne 2...... then 4 days later i did a water change then added another tablet.... then 4 more and added another tablet agin...
the lefth fin is half gone.. the fin seem to be look the same as i put him in the ht except for the fack that it no longer and this thin line of white stuff... so i take it he have gotton a lot better..... not he looks almost regular agin.....
the fin looks link it saw cut with a really dull cissor.. almost line a strait line... except fot the bottom middle part of the fin.. it has a slightly bigger tear like..... it dont look like if it was bitten off or gotten into a fight.... i think it was a fungus..
all my fish where in a 155 BF untill i took him out to the ht
1 6'' lunnar wrasse
1 5.5'' harleqiun tusk (indian)
1 5'' juvi emporer angel
2 2.5'' yellow tail damsal
1 2'' perc. clown
thank u for the reply.. what do i do next??? things look good??
sry i dant have a pic........