Beth - Colt Coral


Staff member
I posted over there that I'd like to keep track of the progress with the colt. Please remind me here if you can to check on progress. Its pretty busy in this forum these days so I don't get out of the QT much. :D


Well here he is in his new spot...He's been feeding all morning even with all the lights it looks like he likes it.
I used a flash this time too with the camera.


Defintely....he didnt wilt over at all today. He's also further away from the light as well...higher up but not as close to the MHs. I'm guessing its a combination of the two that has him doing much better.
I'll keep he's progress updated since it seems Colts get confusing for a lot of people. I've heard everything from NO being fine for them to other people saying they need high level of lights.


Staff member
I think part of the trouble with mine was that he ran out of rock space. He got really big, looked great, but when he ran out of rock space he started to fail. So be sure to provide him with enough surface area for expansion. Also, he was being harrassed by the clown. I think it was a combination of the 2 problems. But these corals do need rock base or they will wilt over.