BETH help please


Beth I was referred to you by Thomas712. My tank has ich. I tried HYPO but I must have missed the first paragraph in the thread. so now my corals are shot. I started a thread about KICK ICH and I was wondering what you think about it. I have only 2 surviving fish they do not seem to have ich spots anymore but my corals are shot now because of my stupidity please help me out here I also have a thread in REEF TANKS called TANK CRASH


Staff member
Sorry to hear that you tried hypo with corals in the tank! Unfortunately, Kick Ich or other so-called "reef safe" meds don't work. Your only choice is hyposalinity. Do you have any corals left? Live rock?
Can you set up a QT for the 2 remaining fish? Are you still doing hypo?


I stopped the hypo. Only one fish is left my 4 strip damsel. Some of my corals are coming back only my zoos are still closed. I am getting a 20 gallon tank so I can set up a QT. I am not to sure about my LR but my guess is that if my corals are coming back my LR cant be too bad.


Staff member
Did you drop the salinity all the way down to 14ppt?
I'm sure there is a lot of die-off with the LR, but it did not entirely die off. You may want to seed your tank with some fresh pieces of LR once the situation is stabilized.


Is that the same as 1.009 SG if so then yes. But I raised it back to normal right after I saw that my corals were looking bad. And I will seed my tank with some new LR I have a couple of pieces curing in my 30 gallon


Staff member
Well, with only 1 damsel left and a near devastation on the tank, I won't suggestion disrupting your system any futher by trying to reomve 1 fish.
There comes a time when you have to save the many, rather than the 1.


Ok here it goes. My torch coral opened up fully. my zoos still closed but close tighter when touched. My mushrooms are still looking sickly but I see new ones popping up.
My leather toadstool is totally shot
My levels are this (Checked last night)
Amm .25 ( I am assuming this jumped after I did the huge water change)
nitrite 0
nitrate .2
ph 8.4
sg 1.025
temp 81
calcium 400ppm
I am doing 15 gallon water changes every other day to get ammonia down
it was .5 the other day
I will try and post some pics tonight so people can see what I am talking about


Staff member
I don't see how a water change would cause ammonia. As long as you have ammonia all animals will suffer and could die.


That's what I thought but I guess after I did the Hypo and them jumped the salinity back up there was alot of dieoff on my LR. So When I did the water change thinking there was something else wrong with the tank that's when the ammonia jumped up. My other guess is that is what is keeping my zoo's from opening


Staff member didn't mention LR.
Does anyone read the FAQ thread? NO LR in hypo.


I know I read the thread my problem was that I skimmed it really quick I must have skipped over the first paragraph. I guess all I looked at was how to do it? BIG MISTAKE :mad: :mad: