beth i need ur condolence


Active Member
i feel horrible!! my baby solomon island boa died and my brazilian rainbow boa is just hanging onto life! when i called the vet she said there was nothing i could do. these snakes r basically kids to me.


Active Member
to tell u the truth i dont really know, the solomon doesnt have any injuries or anything. i think what mightve happened to the brazilian a pice of driftwood may have slid and fallen onto him.


Active Member
So, if you dont know why they died/are dying, how could you have told the vet what was wrong, for her to respond with "There's nothing we can do?"


Active Member
well i made an educated guess as to what was wrong and she said for that the best thing would just to let him be for his final moments. and so i did and he died about 5 or 6 minutes after i posted this thread


Active Member
Beth is away for the holidays, so she probably will not be around for a week or two.
I am sorry for your loss, Jon. I wish I could offer some support, but I do not have any experience with snakes.


Active Member
thanx lion crazz, not only for ur condolence but for helping me and evry1 else on this board. btw wats ur real name if u kno mine?


I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I had a snake die about 7 years ago. I was very attached to him and sorry to see him go. His name was Sepulatian R.I.P.


Active Member
well ive pulled myself to do it, thursday im gonna go to RJsExotics to look at baby snakes. sadly its the same place that i got both of them.


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
hey thnx sep. what kind of snake was it that u had?
Mine was a burmese python. Going for a baby snake so soon? Good luck to you. I hope you find another one you like.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
So, if you dont know why they died/are dying, how could you have told the vet what was wrong, for her to respond with "There's nothing we can do?"

I'm sorry to hear about this loss.
I agree with the above though - something is supicious to me. Is this vet an expert in snakes? Because any vet - unless as mentioned there is something obvious like something fell on it - would be wondering why two snakes would be dying at the same time.


Active Member
I didnt keep posting in the thread, cause I felt bad...didnt want it to seem like I was coming down on the kid or anything. But, if Ophiura is wondering too, I'll go ahead and say what I was going to, yesterday.
My first guess would be internal parasite or some other type of disease. It's quite possible that you passed it onto the second snake from handling both, etc. It's kinda odd that two different snakes would die in a very short period of time, without the two deaths being connected.
What were you feeding? What type of enclosures were they in, with what substrate, etc.
Until you confirm the reason for death, the last thing you need to do is go and buy another reptile.


Active Member
I agree completely with the above. I'm definitely sensitive to this situation for sure, but I would definitely not get anything else. If the second snake is alive, it is imperative to find a vet who has some experience with snakes (and if this one does, to find another). It just can't be coincidence that two are dying for some unknown reason. Find a snake forum - I am sure there are many.
At the very least, everything should be completely sanitized before any further purchase.


Active Member
well the second snake is dead. they wer both in enclosures that wer 20"lx10"wx12"h. they wer eating pinkies, they had crushed coconut bark as substrate. as far as the vet goes theyre the only reptile vet in the area. the next one is down in boston which is out of the question. im not going to put the new snake in that enclosure, most likely im going to use my aunt's bathroom which has a shower stall where i could create a humid for a tropical arboreal snake.l


Active Member
lol no no no, no1 uses that shower, not even her. i figured it was up for grabs but apprentally not. im gonna use an old dresser to make an arboreal snake habitat. the plans for it r found on pg56 of the june 2006 issue of reptiles for those interested