Beth or Squidd...How long will brooklynella be alive for?


I lost my 3 Perculas over the weekend to Brook. I think I bought them infected but anyway how long should I wait before I start restocking?


before you buy new fish go and buy QT it will save you from problem like this in the future.
if you don't have nothing now it's better to wait 30 days before you add any new fish.
in this time build QT and when you add a new fish put im in your QT about 4 weeks if everything ok transfer him to the main tank.


Staff member
There is no contamination in the tank. However, you should think about QTing future fish.


Originally Posted by Beth
There is no contamination in the tank. However, you should think about QTing future fish.
Beth, I went out and purchased the equipment needed to run a 10g QT tank BUT I'm now having 2nd thoughts. After a long conversation with 2 very knowledgeable owners of an LFS(not the ones that sold me the brook infected clowns), I've been partially convinced that the QT might not be the best course of action.
Let me preface this by saying that while they are obvioulsy in the business of selling fish these people actually care about the fish first and foremost. They suggested I get a UV sterilizer, bring my SG down to the 1.023 range(currently 1.026) because parasites do better in salty water, do a greenx treatment (like a formalin bath) and a 5 min. fresh water dip before placing new fish in DT. They do the last step to all of their fish before putting them for sale. They weren't against a QT or anything but stood strong by the fact that this procedure and setup would eliminate most if not all of my problems as it has for them. What are your thoughts on this?


i have 36watt uv . and i try it once with low salinity (1.018) i remember i add a small blue powder tang without acclimate in the QT after 4 days all my fish start to have white spot.
i don't believe that a uv stop parasite or ich maybe your water clear but no more i run my tank with uv and before i use QT i always get ich when i add a new fish.
believe me before you do somethimg buy a QT and try to get the 20 gallon long one (if you have space for that).
you will save a lot of money in the future what the lfs store guys telling you different from what you learn or read here.
here all the member's try to help and with shareing experience that everyone have in the past with lost fish or disease and if you want to keep saltwater fish and try to minimize
problem the best way is to have a QT.
i am member in more forum and when ever i go or read about marine the first thing that ppl tell is to keep QT. and you know what i think that almost everyone read and know that and didn't do so till they start lost fish we like to learn in the hard way.....


I'm with you mavgi but I have to ask because I don't know. Another point brought to my attention that I more or less gathered from reading others posts about QTing is the time and dedication involved. Daily water changes, keeping parameters in check, etc. I'm completely into the hobby and I enjoy the time and effort I put into it and reward I get from looking at my fishless tank -sarcasm- BUT my life is not saltwater reef keeping. I'm 24, I have a girlfriend, I have a job, a life, etc. By the time I get home, it's 6 and as it is I spend at least 1-2 hours with my tank. Sometimes, I don't come straight home after work and I don't wanna come home to a QT massacre because my ammonia spiked or something.


first in QT you don't need to change or check every day the water parm and this is one reason that i told you to have 20 gallon and not 10 gallon it will be more easy to contorol on it from amonia spike or other...
yes you need to watch on the QT when you treat a sick fish and you lower the sg.
in the beginning i did not like the idea to put QT to becuase i think to my self i want to enjoy from that no more why i need to make lab in my home....
but you know after i start lost fish or i remmber i could not save fish i was very nerve and
disappointed i didn't buy a QT i go at the store after 1 day and buy other fish again and again....and between all of this i start to think to quit... (i spend like that more then $200)
the first time i start with saltwater fish was 25 years ago (i am 41) the reason i quit was the same all the time lose fish and when it's happened again it was a bad flashback .
since i add the QT i forgot from lost fish and the best thing now it is when you see your fish in the tank live without fear ... now i am not afraid from add a fish and because of this one to lost more 5....
it's up to you but i can tell you this without QT in the end you will get in this position or to quit because lost fish or can't treat them or to buy QT...