Beth.... please help....


New Member
Well my problem is that i have ich and i got a few questions i would like to ask you. Can I take ALL my inverts and live rock out of my tank and do the hypo method?? Will this be ok since i have live sand in it?? The problem is i am very new to this hobby and am learning the hardway bout ich
. I have a 90 gallon tank with 120 lbs live sand and 75 lbs live rock with about 50 snails and 50 hermit crabs a cleaner shrimp and a yellow tang and 2 clowns. all been doing great for about 4 months till i bought a powder brown tang and got her acclimated and put her into my tank. the next day she had a severe ich break out and has since passed on. so i am wanting to remove EVERYTHING from my main tank except the fish and sand to use as a hyposalinity chamber i would guess is the way to put it since it is already established and i would put all live rock and inverts into a rubbermaid tub. well sry so long and i hope i have explained myself good enough for everyone to understand thanks


Staff member
Yes you can do this but with that size tank, know that you will be doing SERIOUS water changes to get the tank into a hyposaline state. Do you have a refractormeter? Pay close attention to pH and be sure to buffer as needed, as fresh water is neutral.
I would suggest working on setting up a QT at this point for future use. You can use a larger rubbermaid with pHs to house the rock and inverts. Get the water really moving in the container and don't forget to feed your rock/inverts.


New Member
well beth just to keep you posted i have a refractometer on its way and will start this process immediatly after recieving it. My tang and my cleaner shrimp have a close relationship so i think for the mean time the cleaner will do till my meter gets here. i hope anyway
. i am a little worried bout one of my clowns though they aren't as close to the cleaner as the tang. All fish are eating well and swimmin fine so far the only sign of ich is what i can see and not the way the fish act. well I will keep ya posted and keep picking your brain during my saltwater hobby experience
if ya don't mind.


Staff member
That is a very large tank to be doing hypo on. Is it possible to setup a QT? Anyway, what's the status?


Staff member
Originally Posted by ou_snr_fn
keep picking your brain during my saltwater hobby experience
if ya don't mind.
Nope, I don't mind. There are actually a lot of knowledgable hobbyists here. I'm sure you will soon find out who they are and be able to get help from.