Beth, Please Help.


New Member
I used Organi Cure about a year ago in my 240 gallon to treat to ich. I have ran carbon for a long time in my filter. I also have a packet of something that is suppose to remove all metals including copper. This is not changing colors like it is suppose to when metals are present. I have a copper testing unit that stays completely clear with a reading of 0. Will I ever be able to start a reef aquarium? I have just purchased a 500 Watt Metal Halide unit. Will I ever be able to start a reef aquarium?


Staff member
I don't believe Organi Cure has copper in it, does it? What are the ingredients of this med?


Staff member
WOW. David, you can not use that tank for inverts, LR, corals, unless you break it down and start over. That means, whatever is in now, like sand, rocks, can not be used.
I would never set up a reef with what is in the tank now. However, if you break it down completely, then yes.


New Member
Not what I wanted to hear Beth, but what I expected. Okay, I want to do this right then. I am assuming that I need to chunk every grain of sand, every piece of rock, and ever thread of filter. What else do I need to do? What do I need to clean with? Is the piece of foam on my protein skimmer okay to keep? I am also going to buy a Reverse Osmosis water system. Anyone in particular you recommend? Like I said, I want to do this right so any advice you have is greatly appreciated.


Staff member
The filters will be ok, imo, as long as there is nothing a sponge filter, filter pads, charcoal, etc.
Do you have LRs??
Also check your tank seams. Copper can soak into the seam and then leak back out once you refill your tank. Any airstones? Same thing.
Sorry you have to go through this David, I know the pain of having done it myself years ago. :mad:


New Member
I do have LR but I am assuming that it has to go. No way to clean the copper out of it I guess? Bleach? Anyway, I will check the seems but I know they are silicone and I don't think anything could penetrate. Can you guys (gals) think of anything else? I have pvc piping. I have covers on my overflows that's why I am incuding a picture. I don't want to have to go through this ever again. And damn that LFS guy who said this stuff would be okay to use.


New Member
Anyone been through this before with PVC and those overflow covers? I don't know if they could absorb copper or not? And bleach on the base rock to get rid of copper? Or may some type of acid that you could go back with baking soda? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
There is no coraline on the rock but there never has been. I have just purchased the lighting needed for coral growth. There is alot of brown algae on the rock, I am assuming from having a poor light schedule to begin with. So when you say it should be fine, are you referring to the pvc or the rock?
thanks again


Active Member
I have treated my 125 agressive tank with coppersafe(chelated copper sulfate) 2 times in the past 2 yrs i still have the origanal cc that i started with 4 1/2 yrs ago same LR every the same.I have in beteen these treatments added inverts to my tank such as brittle star and sally light food crabs and a few snails that my fish eat..these were added about 6 months after treatment and regular water changes .I have coraline growth on the rocks it did not kill that.yes the most recent dose quite a while ago killed the star the fish got the crabs.but the my tank was invert safe after a few months of treatment. wait a few moths your test reading are 0 try adding a snail or 2 to see what happens.some foods we feed our fish contain copper sulfate and invert eat it and dont die. dont toss it all out and dont clean it with bleach ever! as for using it for reef tank that i dont know .


New Member
Well that is certainly encouraging. I have tried a snail as well as some type of coral invert that I could not even tell tell you what it was and they both died. I can try more water changes. I do have one of those filters in place that is suppose to turn blue with copper and it is not turning blue. I am a little confused at this point. I want to do the right thing but I am not sure what that is at this point. Maybe a complete water change?


Active Member
i dont suggest a full water change you dont want to create a full cycle all over long are your snails surviving and what type? some are more senstive than others.i have nas snails and mxican turbos in my reef and recently i tried adding some realy cool red ones they all died within a week and my water is almost perfect.keep changing your filter media regularly if your using cc syphon them clean(vacume) sands a bit harder to work with.just be patient you used a much different copper treatment than i did also the time span may be much greater.make sure your cal levels are in rangest of 350-450 no higher no lower good ph of 8.3 for inverts sg 1.024(reef) .you may even try adding some bacter vital to help increase your good bacteria the copper had killed off(great for speeding up the cycle in new tanks also used to boost good bacteria in pre established tanks.this is sold as a live culture.good luck dont give up hope


Staff member
Copper added to a tank is a ticking bomb. You may go a very long time without a problem, then bam, things start dying off.
The purpose to LR is to develop the millions of micro fauna within that rock. With copper as a factor, the tank is crippled from reaching its full capacity...especially if you want to develop a reef tank.
Crushed coral is like crushed glass to sand fauna. Look at the tiny grains under a magnifying glass, and you will see what I am talking about. The sensitive undersides of sand creatures, such as stars, snails, worms, etc are scratched and ripped by this type of substrate. Again, another factor that cripples the tank. Yes, you might have a nice tank, but it will never reach the capacity that it could have without this handicap.