

Hello Beth I have a question for you. I visited your homepage and took a look at your reef tank and just wanted to compliment you on your tank, I think it is very awsome. My question is I noticed on your page that you said you use All Natural Filtration using Deep Sand Bed, Live Rock and reef detritivores. Can you exsplaine this to me. does these mean you dont use a any kind of skimmers or filters? I guess what I'm trying to say is can you tell me how it all works? I'm buying me a 125 gal tank in the next couple of days and I want to set it up right. I have a 55 gal at the moment and I used crushed coral for my bed. In my crushed coral I see all kinds of little creatchers in it and was wondering if I could use some of it to seed my new sand bed in the 125 and if I can how much of the crushed coral should I use? I have around 80lbs of live rock, do I need More? What Kind of lights do you have? If I can think of any other questions I will ask you later. Thank You for your help.


WELL A LITTLE UPDATE I just bought the 125 gallon tank so now I need to do everrything right. The problem I have right now is that I have a 55 gallon tank in the spot where I have to put my 125 tank. the next problem is this 55 has been set up for at least 9 to 10 months so all the snails and crabs and things in there what am i going to do with them untill this tank is reafy for them. I guess I will have to tear down my 55 tank then move it then set it back up then put my 125 in its place and then start the breaking in process for it. Any suggestions on how to move the tanks and what to do with the inhabbitants.Thanks again for your help


never changed tanks my self, but if you post this in the reef or new hobbiest section you will get some anwsers. if you want Beth to anwser, just post a thread in disease section asking her to check this post. sorry i can't help but i don't like giving bad advise


what I did when I upgraded my tank was to transfer everything to plastic tubs.
Fish out first fish in last.
I moved the old 55 out of the way then put the new tank up. gave it a day for the tank to clear then put all the same stuff in the new tank, water, rock, sand, everything got moved over. I did this without any loss of livestock thankfully.
Not sure if this action is advised but it worked for me.


Staff member
Wow, sorry I somehow missed your original post. Thank you for the comments. Basically, I used the live rock and the dsb as primary natural filters. I have a skimmer, but in the hobby, the skimmer is also considered a type of natural filtration [in very loose terms].
For reef systems, I think its a better choice to try and setup with as much natural functionality as possible and get the water moving, moving, moving. Deep sand beds are out of favor with many now, but my feeling is, if you take care of it, it will serve well. My tank is setup for 3 yrs now. I did a lot of reading and reserach before I set it up. I knew that I had to keep it simple because I am not someone who can put together a lot plumbing, and hobby gizmos. So far, so good. I have had excellent readings since the day it was set up. This tank never cycled. I pay as much attention to my sand bed, and sand bed fauna as anything else in the tank. You have to enjoy sandbeds, I think, to have deep sand bed systems. And I definately do.
I do have 6 powerheads in that tank. No refugium, but having a refugium would definately be a wonderful addition. My skimmer is a RemoraPro, upgraded to a higher gph pump. I use RO/DI water and feed everything alot. Mostly food I make myself, but sometimes frozen hobby foods. No flakes or heavily processed foods because of the pollution content. All fish are quarantined before they ever go into the tank to prevent a disaster. I aged this tank slowly, waiting 2 mos. after placing LR and LS before even adding a coral or fish. Basically, I never taxed the tank by loading it up quickly.
Again, thanks for the compliments and sorry I neglected to see your post!
What's in it:
6 Powerheads
1 skimmer
80lbs LR
6" DSB using live sand
Sweet and Simple :D


Staff member
Right now, 440 VHOs. Most of those corals are softies with a few medium light hard corals.