Hello Beth I have a question for you. I visited your homepage and took a look at your reef tank and just wanted to compliment you on your tank, I think it is very awsome. My question is I noticed on your page that you said you use All Natural Filtration using Deep Sand Bed, Live Rock and reef detritivores. Can you exsplaine this to me. does these mean you dont use a any kind of skimmers or filters? I guess what I'm trying to say is can you tell me how it all works? I'm buying me a 125 gal tank in the next couple of days and I want to set it up right. I have a 55 gal at the moment and I used crushed coral for my bed. In my crushed coral I see all kinds of little creatchers in it and was wondering if I could use some of it to seed my new sand bed in the 125 and if I can how much of the crushed coral should I use? I have around 80lbs of live rock, do I need More? What Kind of lights do you have? If I can think of any other questions I will ask you later. Thank You for your help.