sinner's girl
We scooped the live sand into little zip lock bags, lowered them to the bottom of the tank and released the sand.
Sweet idea!
Sinner'sG, are you upgrading?
Nope, Sinner says my next tank has to be double what I have, so that would 150...no room or money for that...yet. (once we have a house, and I'm working, I'll have bigger tank..I'm keeping my eye open though, if I see a deal, I'll get the tank and just keep it empty). My 75gl is in Sinner's office and has been ingored for the past two years, for the most part. I'm moving the tank to my office (same house, just the next room), so it will get attention, I hope. Right now, it's a pile of rocks with three stars...my stars love it though. I haven't had fish in 2 years, since I lost mine to high temps in the 55gl. I'm slowly removing all the cc and when I move it I'll be putting in sand.
Let's see, I'll put my lr in the tank...then the sand, use plates then slowly add the water...or would it be better to add water, then lr and sand?
Mikeyjer, good luck moving all your tanks....it's a pain! We moved our 55gl and 75gl down the street 3 years ago...cycled the 55gl and bug spray killed the damsel in 75gl (mother-in-law). We'll be moving, at some point, once Sinner's out of school, I'm not looking forward to the move, I thought we were moving last year, so I didn't replace my fish, but now, I've been fishless for 2 years...and well, I want fish! But I know we'll be moving again and we have NO idea where we'll move to.
Sweet idea!
Sinner'sG, are you upgrading?
Let's see, I'll put my lr in the tank...then the sand, use plates then slowly add the water...or would it be better to add water, then lr and sand?
Mikeyjer, good luck moving all your tanks....it's a pain! We moved our 55gl and 75gl down the street 3 years ago...cycled the 55gl and bug spray killed the damsel in 75gl (mother-in-law). We'll be moving, at some point, once Sinner's out of school, I'm not looking forward to the move, I thought we were moving last year, so I didn't replace my fish, but now, I've been fishless for 2 years...and well, I want fish! But I know we'll be moving again and we have NO idea where we'll move to.