Betta with white lumps on gills


Can someone please give me some advice on this I am getting somewhat stumped. My comet grouer has got whitish lumps forming around his gills (see pic attached). About three weeks ago he seemed to have some sort of lesion around his head and so I treated the tank for twop weeks with Myxazin and that seemed to clear it up. Now these have developed and they don't seem to be responding to the Myxazin. He is eating and behaving normally. There is no heavy breathing and he seems fine within himself.
Tank stats are: 55gall, tankmates, damsel, blue chin trigger, lawnmower blennie, 4 hermit crabs and a flame hawk.
Nitrate 10
No recent changes in fish or diet. He lives on a diet consisting of prawn, mussell, octopus and brine shrimp.
Tank has been up and running for about 18mths, about 70lb live rock and sand bed. Water changes are done using tap water (never had any problems).
He isn't being beaten up by any of the other fish so that is not an issue.
The other fish are not displaying any signs of illness and appear to be healthy as anything. My local lfs store hasn't got a clue and suggested I treat with something called Triple Sulfur tablets. Any help much appreciated