better protein skimmer?


Active Member
I currently have a 55 gallon reef tank with 60 lbs live rock, DSB, closed brain, open brain, mushrooms, Xenia, bubble coral, bubble tip anenome, and a bunch of other anenomies that came on the live rock. They are not apista. I think they are these "rock" anenomies. I also have 4 emerald crabs 15 turbos, scarlet cleaner shrimp, sand sifting star and a serpent star. For fish I have 1 maroon clown and 1 scooter blenny. I currently have a Red Sea Prizim skimmer. My question is if I got another skimmer say a Red Sea Berlin Turbo would it be overkill for this size tank or would it make it even better. I ask this because I have not picked out a christmas gift yet and I will be getting a bigger tank in the distant future in which I will need a better skimmer. Sorry about the long post. I do plan on getting a few more fish and a lot more corals.


i would think it wouldn't be a bad idea to get another one if you get more fish. i have heard of over skimming and taking to many important chemicals out so... you do have alot of good clean up crew animals,maybe just get some more so that they will help clean any stuff laying around.


If you have fish and feed them everyday. You won't overskim. Good food have 100-10,000x trace elements than NSW. So you are adding them everyday. Now a 4' skimmer on a 30g may overskim but we are talking real here.Most won't do that. Now if you ugrade are you gonna use a sump or always use a hang on? If you don't have any alga probs ect... why add a bigger skimmer? Personally theres better skimmers than berlin and the hangon is way big. I would opt for a sump on your next tank. Whats your lighting maybe upgrade that? But if you have the need to buy a skimmer I don't see why not. Jut a big hang on with a big pump in there doesn't seem appealing to me but... it won't hurt. I just thing theres better ways to spend $$ if you tank is running good. if you have alga probs or starting to go for it.


Active Member
I agree with IRON. If yours seems to work there is no need to overkill. All you will do is affect your pocket. I have a red sea berlin on my 180. I would not put it on my 75. I have a homemade small one on that tank. To tell you the truth I think it works better than the berlin.


I got rid of my protein skimmer and bought an Ecosystem. That answered all of my questions. The initial price is high, but a protein skimmer doesn't even compare.


I have been using the ecosystem for about 3 months. The only big disadvantage is that it is prety big. It wouldn't fit under my aquarium. I put it in my basement, right under my aquarium. I ran the plumbing up through the basement ceiling into the tank. This ended up working great because all of the mechanics for my tank are now in a different room. It took about 3 weks for the macro-algae to really take root. Now I have to harvest a fair amount out of it every week, which is OK because I use it to feed my angel fish. The macro algae produce 02 as a by product, so there is no need for a protein skimmer. The bio-balls filter out all of the big stuff, and the miracle mud and the macro-algae get rid of the nitrates. I have a 120 gallon tank with approx 150 lbs of live rock, 5 aneomes, and approx 15 different soft corals. My nitrate levels are always <10.


ecosystem isn't going to make a differance. I have one but find my protein skimmer runs better. i feed heavy more than most but I like very fat fish. I've seen nice tanks with ecosystem and protein skimmers and crappy ones as well. Its still your input must not be more than your output.So an ecosystem may help when you don't have a filter but its not a miricle as well as a protien skimmer. If you do use an alga tank make your own. i would waste my $$ on a hang on= @$300 for a small setup.Remeber the caulerpa is the filter not the container. I like alga tanks= I grow alot of critters but for me in MY tank i still get hair alga when i shut down my skimmer = I feed to much. So my point is it doesn't matter what you use as long as you export more.


The container is the filter. The miracle mud is formulated to break down nitrates, the bio-balls remove the big particles as well as harbor nitrate loving bacteria. I haven't had a protein skimmer for months and have no problem with nitrates. My pump runs 1200 gph through the ecosystem. Show me a protein skimmer that can filter that much volume. If you overfeed your fish, nothing will be effective, but if you follow simple guidelines and don't mind spending what ever it takes to have the best equipment, toxins won't be a problem.


My protien skimmer has 1190gph pump. the miricle mud you can get the same effect with any sand. The caulerpa filters the water. The eco systems are way over prices . They aren't anything new but marketing. I have a much large alga tank for much less. The eco system are suppose to have a slow flow going throught them. they don't sell them with large pumps. I feed my fish and my DSB. all the food gets eating. I don't overfeed. My point is you can have an alga tank/ecosystem or a skimmer. If you put in= feed or over stock more than the caulerpa or skimmer exports it doesn't matter what you use. I've seen eco systems ridend with hair alga after being set up fpr along time. the same with skimmers setups. The mud is suppose to feed the caulerpa trace element also. IMO the mud they did a chemicla break down and it comes from land. It already been proven you can have the same results with much cheaper sand. The caulerpa is what filters the water. SO IME if you use an ecosystem with I thing is fine . i would make it your self and save alot of $$. I'm not comparing skimmer to ecosystems I saying it doesns't matter what you use if you don't use good husbantry in your reefkeeping. And make your own. I do spend good my on my setup but caulerpa tanks you can set up a 29g for @$120 with all new acylic tank and plumbing and pump. I Use a large becket skimmer, have large pumps, halides, vho seaswirls,duel cal reactor, auto top so I don't skimp but I would be careful how i spent my $$. I have 1 sailfin tang ,1 perc clown 1 manderine, rose anemone,3 shrimps lots of sps, lsp ,dsb and feed homemade food = 3-4 cubes daily= feed my dsb,fish ect. My tang is fat fat. Not skinny like most ppl. But that how I do it. somme ppl have 3-4 tangs in a 55g. each to there own. But I agree if you overfeed it doesn't matter what you do. = output must be more or = to your input.


Agani, I'm not sure where you get your information, but it certainly isn't from published literature. I'm not a salesman for ecosytem, but I have spent the laast 10 years raising 3 beautiful reef tanks. The LITERATURE (not only published by ecosystem, but in numerous articles as well) shows that the miracle mud is designed to break down nitrates, not to give nutrients to the macro algae. They derive all of their nutrition from the nitrates and the components in the water. All of the literature shows that the greater the water flow through the system, the better. They recomend that you use no more then 800gph. That isn't slow flow. It isn't just the macro algae, but the miracle mud, the seperate filtration chambers, the bio-balls in the seperate chambers, the 24 hour lighting (to regulate ph) that make the ecosystem an overall superior system. Read about it, the information may be helpful.


Yeah any sand will break down nitrates. the mud = feed the caulerpa comes from the ecosystem site. Eco systems are know to be markting and a waste of $4 you can have the same effect ith any cheap sand and caulerpa. read Ron shimek Julian sprung anyone. Miricle mud isfrom the land theres achemical break down. you can but southdown comes from the sea?/ All sand has the same effect. ifreading books on reefs for 10year that should be already know knowlege. Ronshiml, Dr addly Charles D. they all publish the same. COMMON knolage nothing new. Why spend $$ for the same effect. Jaunbernt methiod = plenums common there no miricle. The only miricle is $$ that goes in there pocket. theres a lfs have huge ecosystem they have alga ridden tanks. Rarely feed = bad husbantry. Ecosystems can be good I agree but they aren't superior they are marketing. Caulepa filters the water. Any sand especially deep sand beds will break down nitrates. the flow I could be wrong if the bioballs are used to slow the flow down. I'm just suggesting if you want an ecosystem you can have an alga tank with a dsb and have the same effect @200% cheaper
[ December 27, 2001: Message edited by: Ironreef ]


Active Member
about the eco, i'd hate to say it, but the $ doesn't add up for me, i am achieving the same results with no skimming or mechanical filtering at all, my trates are under 20 and never been over , and dropping, in a4 month old system(soon i hope to near 0, after more maturing and the rest of the sand gets moved)
as for skimmers, i do think they are a great tool(we just wantedd to try skimmerless this time), i personally like the aqua c's(remora or urchin) for price, or for larger systems, you can build or buy a cc skimmer(counter current not crushed coral), purchase for under 200 or build real cheap,i feel that on your future larger system that i would go sump with an aqua c or build my own
IMO now, i would not fix what ain't broke, stay with the prizm if it is working and invest in more rock, or put that aside towards your larger tank you are planning