bi-colour blenny


hi yesterday i got myself a bi-colour blenny and acclimated him using the drip method. i have kept an eye on him while feeding he seems to eat pretty well and is fairly active
but he seems to go very pale on and around his face when anybody goes near the tank i was wondering if this is normal and if its not is there anything i can do.


Active Member
I'm sure he is just a bit stressed still.Give him some time to get used to his surroundings and whoever comes near the tank. Never met a blenny that did'nt get very friendly and personable.


I have had one for about 8 months and he still does that every now and then when you come the tank fast. My guy has pale spots that he gets in those cases. I think (I hope) its natural. Most times he comes right up to the side of tank when I put my face close to it, just when I surprise him I think.


thanks guys thats made me feel better he seems fine when nobody is near the tank he swims around checking out all the holes and caves in the rock and sits in them for a while then goes to another he just goes pale when anyone approaches the tank.


Active Member
I have a tail spot blenny and every now and then he gets those pale spots too. Wax told me a while back that is was normal. So I say don't worry about it. Mine actually had those spots this morning before the lights came on.


If ours sits still for a little while he'll get some pale spots and some stripes but they go away he starts to move. I think it's normal. I know ours likes to hide in the barncles we have. You look into the tank and all you see is his head half the time.


Active Member
Normal... it's camo. He is trying to hide from the huge two legged predator. He will get over it eventually.