bibbles in sand


hello again, My questian is I have noticed bubbles on top of the sand. My tank has been cycling about 4 weeks now. I did a water test last nite, And the results were PH-8.4 Amonia-0 Nitrate20 Nitrite-0.50 These test results have been steady for a week. I do have an outbreak of diatom algea on the sand. Is the tank maturing correctly?
Also,, have u done water changes? How much chemicals or additives are u adding to the tank? I found that doing a water change and adjusting my protein skimmer helped. However, I'm not sure if it really helped cause it was still cycling if uknow what I mean.


The last time I did a water change was a week ago. The only chems I am using are nutrifin cycle and water conditioner.When I do my water changes I do 10% should I do 50%?