Bicolor Angel died after about 36 hours


Who wants to take a guess why my Angel died so quickly? I drip acclimated it and it seemed fine for the first day. Yesterday it was staying in the rocks, but swimming around and looking good. Today I went home for lunch and he was toast. The only thing I can think of is stress, the LFS chased him around the tank quite a bit when I bought him.
Stock: 2 clowns, 2 cleaner shrimp, hermits, lawnmower, 1 mushroom and a couple zoas.
Nitrates, Nitrites and Ammonia = 0
Temp = 79-80
pH = 8.2
sg = 1.125
What other tests do I need to add to my arsenal? phosphates and..?


Active Member
how big is your tank? was he eating? at the lfs did you tell them to feed it? i really dont like to drip acclimate them. for me it has been bad results in the past with my nano. with my 95g i only temp and they go in.


Acclimated for about 2 1/2 hours. I have a 55g. I did not see it eat when I fed the clowns. Clowns get flake and i put it a little mysis for the angel.


Active Member
for me drip acclimate is for when you receive them overnight. but from the lfs to your house i feel there is no need to drip. they shouldnt be stress. maybe the drip or him not eating at all at your house or lfs cause the death. thats my opinion


Active Member
bicolors have a fairly low long term survival rate to begin with. I had one for about 6 months. ate, active and seemed healthy and just woke up one day to it dead. that was years ago but have since done some research and learned they arent very hardy as far as dwarf angels go.


Active Member
the new tank may hv something to do with it. another factor could be just a bad specimen. most angels do better in mature tanks with lots of lr to graze on.


Active Member
It could have been cyanide. I have heard a lot of biolors have an issue with that. They are just not real hardy angels either. I would try for a pygmy or maybe a coral beauty if you want more chance of success.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
how mature is the tank? no angel of any kind in a tank less than 5-6 months old.
Not ture. I added my emp to tank two weeks after it cycled. You need to know what you are doing. I also bought 80 pounds of a mature live rock.
This was a cyanide caught fish IMO. I have a MAC BiColor. He is a monster. They need spirulina in their diet. Its a must. They are great fish. They do better in less aggressive settings. I strongly suggest you get another one. That you can 100% make sure is MAC caught. MAC is a certification that the fish are caught by net and not with chemicals.
I have had my fish for about 5 months now. Grown a ton. They need to be fed 3 times a day and algae sheet offered every few days.
I would get a QT and start trying to feed NLS pellets. Leave the lights off for a day. Put a cover over it if its a in a high traffic area for people. IMo these fish are not as hardy but if you can get one eating and growing you will have a fish not many people have. They are worth is.


Active Member
i am not saying its 100% failure if a person doesnt keep it in a mature tank. for most people, its better if they put it in a more mature system. for u, u most likely know what u were doing. for the average hobbyists, its better to wait, since it will increase their chances of success.


I lost a coral beauty after about the same amount of time in a tank about the same age recently. I think mine was a combination of not using ro/di and microbubbles. Added some bubble traps and the ro/di unit is being delivered today, then we'll give it another go.