Bicolor Angel in Reef: Yes or No


I was wondering if I could put a bicolor angel in my reef tank. Will it eat my shrimp or my clams? In the info guide it says they are grazers and eat pellets. Hope someone can tell me if they have had one or would attempt one. Thanks in advance.


Fish have to adapt to pellets, which are not best for any SW fish. I don't know what "Guide" you are looking at, but mine says that they often nip large polyped stonys, soft, zoos, and clams. I would suggest that you not get one.


I have clams and zoos... no problems whatsoever with my Bi. Coolest fish in my aquarium. Doesn't mean yours will be so well behaved though. Good Luck!


I was looking in the swf guide. It says greens, pellet and flake. I was hoping it would be okay as he is so colorful and does not get big. It did not say anywhere that I could see that he was a nipper of clams, polyps or sps. Where did you get your info from, if I may ask. Appreciate all your help.


Originally Posted by peglet
I was looking in the swf guide. It says greens, pellet and flake. I was hoping it would be okay as he is so colorful and does not get big. It did not say anywhere that I could see that he was a nipper of clams, polyps or sps. Where did you get your info from, if I may ask. Appreciate all your help.
My info on this fish comes from Scott Michael's guide to marine fish. Any fish that will accept pellets takes some time to do so. Pellets and flakes are not part of the natural diet of any fish.


Thanks so much for your info. I will do some more research before I decide. I probably won't do it as I love my clam and don't want him to get hurt. Thanks.


Oh just out of curiosity SpencerS, what does your bicolor eat and how long have you had it? Do you have any clams? Thanks......


Sorry went back up and saw you do have clams. I'm bad, lol. Still would like to know how long you have had yours and what he eats.