Bicolor Angelfish?



I have heard from more then one source that bicolors are hard to keep. However, I have not been able to find any reasons why. Can someone please enlighten me (if this is true).
I have had my bicolor for about a week now and have had no noticeable problems...yet. He is active, eats well, and seems pretty easy on the care level to me.


It mostly has to do with their diet and getting them to eat. Since yours is eating, you are past one of the main problems. These guys like a lot of sponge in their diet, so you need to get some Angel Food formula to keep them happy.
They also need excellent water quality and no abusive tankmates. If you can assure them of these key things, both you and the fish will be happy!

Good luck with your fish. They are really awesome huh!


It took about 3 days to get mine to eat, but since then it has been good. He is currently in a 150g with a foxface, dwarf lion, and a blue tang. Good luck!!!


how big is your tank. i have a small 25 gallon, but would love to have one. ive been reading different articles that u need minimum 30-55.


yea i just started my tank..the 2 fish guys said no for my size tank. i might get a lemonpeel angel fish. but the bicolor is beautiful


One thing to keep in mind about trying many of these so called “difficult” fish; a lot of what you read in books and on line is based on fish keeping from the last 30 years or so. Technology and advancements in fish keeping have improved so dramatically, that many of the fish that we said you could “never” keep in a tank are now as common as damsels. Now don’t get me wrong, you should not go out and buy the first Regal Angel you see and expect it to survive if you’re a novice, but don’t be deterred to continue seeking more information about a particular fish, even if someone responds with a generic..I heard you can't keep that one.


My tank is a 75gallon. My bicolor is very active and seems to enjoy swimming through my rock work. This is probably because the idiots at the LFS had him in a ten gallon with one little rock. When I bought him, I acclimated him for about two hours and put him in my tank at about 1:00pm. Later that day at about 8:00pm I fed him and he ate like crazy (maybe I was just lucky?). But so far so good, I have had no problems and have enjoyed him very much. Thanks for the posts, I will keep you updated on my bicolor.


i have had my bicolor for prolly close to a year with no problems at all. i don't take pristine care of that tank by anymeans it is just well established. compared to others i have had he is relatively easy to keep. i'm hoping he will grow a little bit more just so i don't have to worry about other fish picking on him when i put all my fish in a 210g.


i called my fish guy....he had a bicolor on his list. i pick him up tommorow morning right off of the truck
i cant wait. i hope i have as much success as you are having.


Just wanted to say my bicolor is still doing amazing (I feel very lucky) and is even eating flake food (it still loves mysis shrimp the most though). He has also become the boss of my tank...he likes to put other fish back in their place should they step out of line. My sixline is missing a little chuck of his tail because of him! Thanks for the those of you that also have/got bicolors, I hope yours are doing great too.