Bicolor Blennie...Is it supposed to have stripes?


I recently got a bicolor blennie, and well it has whiteish bluish stirps that show up every once and a while all down its body and patches show up on its cheeks....Is this an agressive signal, or a stress thing? or could it just mean it is a male? :happyfish :happyfish


Not sure about the --- ID on these, but color changes could be changes in mood caused by aggression, excitement, or stress. Probably not much cause for alarm if nothing is bothering it. It probably saw it's reflection in the tank


Active Member
Mine are hard to see but if you shine a light on him at night, his / her face seems to have stripes.


Active Member
I have a bi-color blenny and the stripes always flash on with the white cheaks if he's being aggressive or trying to look intimidating to another fish. It's pretty amazing how fast they come and go, but nothing to worry about.


Ok, I was worried it may be a stress thing, but after more careful observtion i saw that they showed up when he chared out of his den or when he is sitting in the open and hte other fish swim by....They do come and go really fast, it is pretty neat. :happyfish