Bicolor blenny


Active Member
hey guys i hope someone can help me
well my first blenny passed away. and i got a new one recently on thursday. but on sat it died again. i found it in the back filled with bristle worms. and yesterday i took like 7 bristle worms out. both blennys didnt last more then 2-3 days. i really want a bicolor blenny. i know why my first blenny died. i died cause it was sick. my bro bought it for me and he just pick a random one. the other one i bought and it seemed fine. it was kinda white but i thought that was fine. i check my water parameters today and it showed this.
p.h 8.3
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 0ppm
ammonia 0ppm
s.g 1.024
what can it be that my blenny keeps dying? anyone help? i really want to keep one


Staff member
You might want to try getting your fish from another source. Do you quarantine your fish?


New Member
I started a 10 gal quarantine tank for my 29 BIO CUBE, and so far I am well pleased. A quarantine tank is a tank that is always medicated. For example, mine is medicated with Copper. Whenever I get a new fish I place them in my hospital tank for at least 2 weeks before I introduce them into the 29 gal biocube.
I have a question, does anyone know if I can put snails in order to eat some of the ALGE that is building up in there? Or will the Copper kill it? Let me know.


Active Member
ok. well i have a 30g tank now. that has water and sand in it. its been like that for a week already. it had fish in there for like 5 weeks but i took them out to put them in my 75g. so what do i do? do i use that tank as my hospital tank and add copper to it?


I think Beth had a typo I think what she meant to say was getting the fish from a different store/lfs not "gutting" your fish
A QT tank you want to be ready for anything. I dont keep any medicines in mine unless a fish needs it. It is mainly there so you can watch the fish for 3-4 weeks for any signs of illness and do hypo if needed. Its a good idea to qt all fish before putting them in your display


Originally Posted by MOOSTACHE
I started a 10 gal quarantine tank for my 29 BIO CUBE, and so far I am well pleased. A quarantine tank is a tank that is always medicated. For example, mine is medicated with Copper. Whenever I get a new fish I place them in my hospital tank for at least 2 weeks before I introduce them into the 29 gal biocube.
I have a question, does anyone know if I can put snails in order to eat some of the ALGE that is building up in there? Or will the Copper kill it? Let me know.
I would not recommend keeping copper in a QT, nor adding a new fish into a QT that is at full copper dose. That can be lethal to some fish. Copper is a poison. Only use it when needed. And no, you cannot add inverts into a tank that has copper in it. A QT should be a comfortable place for fish to adjust to the foods that you feed. It is a time for the fish to begin eating and just calm down after the hectic life of being captured, stored, and shipped. It is the time that any diseases will present itself and can be treated without infecting the rest of the tank. Not a time to be poisoned by unnecessary chemicals.
Originally Posted by nissan577

do i place him in my 30g for a couple days and then put him in my 29g?
Quarantining a fish for a couple of days is pointless. You may as well not even bother at all. Quarantine time is at least three weeks. It is WELL worth the effort.
I would not put it past the gramma to beat the heck out of a new blenny. Bicolors are small and like hiding places. Grammas can be very mean. Did you notice bite marks on him or was the cleanup crew already working on him by the time that you found it?


Active Member
well i saw no bite marks on him when i took him out. i just saw a few bristle worms but they were inside of him. so the outside layer was still good.