Bicolored Blenny

Does anyone have problems with these not eating flake food? i have had mine for two days now and havent seen him it a bit of flake lfs said thats what he would eat...or do i need to do something else?
It took about 2 or 3 days for mine to figure out flake=food. He was good after that. Caution mine died by jumping out the back. Have your tank covered.


Love mine. One of my first fish.
It kills me the way he backs into his holes.
Mine ate right off.
Does seem to prefer frozen foods that contain greens.
Emerald entre and formula 2 but does eat flake.
Give it time.
Either it will eat or it wont.:cool:
Just because it is not eating don't throw in food to get it to eat.


Active Member
Maybe they are bottom feeders. Try some sinking algea waffers. I read that they are algea eaters. Lesley
The Ecsenius bicolor is a herbivore and likes to eat algae.
That's all I could find on it, though I would think that it would take flake food. HTH :cool:


Active Member
If it is a new addition then give it time to settle down in its new home.
It is not unusual for a new fish not to eat for a while.
Saying that, my bi colour eats everything and has done from day one.


New Member
Is he eating yet? I hope so, mine didnt eat for 2 or 3 days when I got him. now he eats like a pig! I feed flake, frozen brine, zoo plankton (jar), dried sheets of marine algae, The only thing he does'nt eat is the algae