Big Boss


I have a false perc in my 75 gallon reef. She has really been the only fish I have had in there for a couple years. She has gotten so aggressive that she terrorizes any other fish I put. Currently I have 3 chromis in there that stay hidden in the rocks. The only time I get a brief glimpse at them is when I feed them but at that, they stay in the back.
I tried getting another baby falso perc to keep her company. They seemed to get along well for a couple months and then the baby mysteriouslly disappeared. I can sit a distance and watch her chase the other fish into the rocks.
Is there another fish I can put in there to knock her down to size? I assume this is just a territorial thing where she has been the only fish in there for years. What fish would be a good tankmate for her?


Originally Posted by microman2k
I have a false perc in my 75 gallon reef. She has really been the only fish I have had in there for a couple years. She has gotten so aggressive that she terrorizes any other fish I put. Currently I have 3 chromis in there that stay hidden in the rocks. The only time I get a brief glimpse at them is when I feed them but at that, they stay in the back.
I tried getting another baby falso perc to keep her company. They seemed to get along well for a couple months and then the baby mysteriouslly disappeared. I can sit a distance and watch her chase the other fish into the rocks.
Is there another fish I can put in there to knock her down to size? I assume this is just a territorial thing where she has been the only fish in there for years. What fish would be a good tankmate for her?
Is this a reef tank?
I highly suggest moving around rocks and adding a new fish at that time, it will throw her off a little and the other fish will be able to establish territory as she has to establish new territory and will be occupied with doing so (hopefully... this usually does work).
You may need to get something bigger than her. How big is she?


Yea, it is a reef and she is a good 2" I'd say.
I didn't even think of rearranging the rock! Thanks. I don't want her to still bully the chromis either. I hate that they are being held captive in the rocks.
How about if I rearrange the rock and add a new and bigger fish at the same time? Kind of like a double blow for her...%%


Originally Posted by microman2k
Yea, it is a reef and she is a good 2" I'd say.
I didn't even think of rearranging the rock! Thanks. I don't want her to still bully the chromis either. I hate that they are being held captive in the rocks.
How about if I rearrange the rock and add a new and bigger fish at the same time? Kind of like a double blow for her...

That would be a good idea too.
I had a Coral Beauty Angelfish that ruled the roost in my tank. I finally rearranged rocks and left her in the QT for about a week, when she got put back in the DT, all the other fish had established their territory, she was left as the "new" fish and had to get in line fast. My Sailfin tang that I added during the CBA's time in the QT further made it clear that she was no longer the boss.


That is a great idea thanks! I will seperate her for a week or so and add some more fish and see how that goes and hope for the best!