big favor guys


i got the day off tomarro and want to get a few pieces of coral.
can any 1 tell me a few types that feed on light only/or light and dt's
thanks a lot


If these r your 1st corals, I would suggest zoanthids(either:protopalythoa or palythoa caribaeorum) or xenia. U might be able to keep Mushroom coral.
Good Luck,


Active Member
It depends on your lighting on what you can get. Probably zoas and mushrooms would be a good first coral since neither require strong lighting. If you have HO lighting, star polops and most leathers are easy to keep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
Do mushrooms need to be fed stuff other then light?
No. Just light. I have never fed mine anything, just what the tank gets. They will do good with added iodine, but test for this, don't just add it. What kind of lighting do you have. This will really determine what you can get. Also what size tank, how deep.


i have a 55 gallon tank.
the tank is 20 inches deep
but with a 3" live sand bed its 17"...
my ligths right now that i got at ***** lol.. are
18" 15 watts GE aqua rays.. it says it supports coral growth on it..
im getting pc's this weekend though.
i bought this nice piece of rock at the lfs with about 15 green fuzzy mushrooms on it... and its like at the middle.
and ive had it for two weeks and they seem just fine.
i was wondering if i needed to feed them anything


as puffer 32 said there are to many variables to be able to suggest anything to you . list you tank and lighting and someone will be able to provide suggestions for ya.

the lights you have are the lowest lights possible it might be the K rating to support corals but the can only penetrate the water so far down before the light is rendered useless to the coral.
If you absolutely sure you are going to upgrade lights this weekend you will be alright but if something happend that you can you might loose the coral you purchase if its several weeks from now.
as far as do they need feed most mushrooms will take meaty foods I always tried offering it to them if they took it or not it was up to them.


it says
Watts = 15
Life/Duree= 7500 hrs/h
CRI/IRC = 67
Kelvin = 9325'
Length/Longuer = 18"
but yes im getting better lighting this weekend.
What kind of meaty foods?
and do i just place it on the middle? like where the lil button is at?


I like feeding mine krill and silversides but in small pieces unless its a giant mushroom some wont take food though so just try it and see if what you have will take it.
as far as your lighting its whats called normal lighting it just a different K rating than shop lights and has speacial phospharous in it to help plant growth but in all respects its about useless for corals.


its a 150 gallong i got 8 10,000 k colarlife 18 inch and 4 20,00k corallife 4 footers total of almost 300 watts i do have red mushrroms in there now and are doing great!!! also got 75 lbs of lr 40 lbs or live coral rock and 100 lbs of old live rock now dead 4 inches think of sand probily live by now:)



I would stay with mushrooms and the lower light requirment corals. Normal out-put lighting doesnt have the punch to get a lot of useable light to the bottom of the tank so you might want to palce what you get as close to the surface as you can and let them spread down they will stop when there isnt enough light for them to survive.
you got the right spectrum bulbs but they could be alot dtronger bulbs would work better especially for that size tank.


unless you want to keep SPS or clams you dont have to MH the T5s and VHO will do good for mushrooms. leathers, soft corals, and most LPS corals if placed towards the top on most of them.
do you have a canopy on your tank>?


there are many palces on the net that sell VHO and HO retro kits I found one the other day that was 72 inch for 350 i think something like that with bulbs I can see if I can find it again for ya if you want for an idea when you go to look for lights.