big fish??


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
y cant i have a lemonpeel they need less swiming room as a yellow tang dont they?
They may need less swimming room, but the fact remains that they get too big for a 44gal. tank.


Active Member
also its a coin said your 13 so when it eats your corals you'll be mad becuase if your like me it will take you 4-5 weeks allowance to replace it...lemon peel is out of the question


not to jakc the thread but on this site it says that the lemonpeel is reefsafe???? how about a yellow pigmy angel


Active Member
IMO, nearly all angels are some threat to corals. The majority of individuals of any given species may be fine, but there is still a risk. Knowing how hard it is to get fish out of an established tank, I would consider the worst case scenario before adding any fish.
The real issue again is that it is a hex tank and not rectangular. A standard 45 woould be a 3' tank, and more suitable for the dwarf angels.
But once again, having been attacked by gold striped maroon clowns in FAR larger and wider tanks, I would say that you are going to be quite limited.


Haven't ever seen one but they do exsist. Try and find a gold damsel They will be aggressive enough to hang with the GSM and they get to like 6 inches. Maybe a dom damsel as well. these fish get to 6 inches and are a solid black fish. You need to look for aggressive fish at least semi aggressive the GSM will harrass/kill anything else in that tank. The GSM will make a CB sick in that tank as well as most any other angel. These fish I have listed are cheap and very hardy. Spend your money on corals and lights if you don't already have them. Or leave this tank be and get you a 125 used or something and you can get a few bigger fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shista
y cant i have a lemonpeel they need less swiming room as a yellow tang dont they?
Shista... you can "have" anything you want. The question is: do you want to do things the right way? If so you must come to the understanding that your tank cannot handle fish that need swimming room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
also its a coin said your 13 so when it eats your corals you'll be mad becuase if your like me it will take you 4-5 weeks allowance to replace it...lemon peel is out of the question
where do I keep missing this??? I keep reading it, but his profile says he is 19.