Big Majano issue... need suggestions


Need help on what to do... entire tank is infested with this stuff. It has taken over everthing and is now killing corals. Is there a natural predator or chemical bomb that will actually work?
It just too hard to pick off or kill one by one. Would it be wise to separate the infested rock from the good and try to remove stuff with chemical? Is it effected by light or temp?
Need help here......


It is difficult to see your picture. I am wondering if you dont have aiptasia. If so, it can be very hard to get rid of. Injecting the base of each one with lemonjuice (using a syringe and a small amount of lemon juice) you can kill each one individually. I have known people with it, not experienced myself.

luca brasi

Unfortunately with majanos, you pretty much have to get them one at a time. Inject them with lemon juice, Joe's Juice, calc paste etc.

prison police

New Member
You could also go for the copper band Butterfly, or the shrimp (cannot remember which one) and let them have a field day,but the least $ is the liquid way and shoot them . Good luck!

luca brasi

Originally Posted by prison police
You could also go for the copper band Butterfly, or the shrimp (cannot remember which one) and let them have a field day,but the least $ is the liquid way and shoot them . Good luck!
That probably won't work with majano anemone.