Big Mistake -Or- Not?


Ok, I am going to tell you about my tank in case you have not read anything that I have asked before. My tank consists of a: 75) Gallon aquarium w/ (1) Seaclone protein skimmer with Maxi-jet 1200 powerhead, (1) Seastorm 8 watt UV sterilizer, (1) Quicksand biological filter with Maxi-jet 400 powerhead, (1) Red Sea Phazer IV Lighting system with (2) VHO and (2) actinic bulbs, (1) 300 Watt Ebo Jager heater,an additional powerhead for water movement. Livestock: (2) Zebra striped damsels, (2) Blue Damsels and clean-up crew, (approx. 80 lbs of premium Fiji live rock, approx. 40 lbs of base rock, and crushed coral substrate with some sand.
My levels are at: Nitrates & Nitrites:0, Ammonia: 0, PH: 8.3, Copper: 0, Temp: 79 degrees, Salinity: 1.022. I recently placed an order for the following things for my aquarium: Finger Leather 7-8", Large Trumpet coral, Tank Raised neon green Galexea, 8.5" Blue Ridge Coral, 3.5" Maxima Gold Clam, Tank Raised Porcillipora crossed w/millepora, 5" Blue Maxima Clam and a 4" tall Tank Raised Green Leather. Did I make a mistake on purchasing these things? Not scheduled to ship out until Monday. :eek:


Sounds like a great set up with great corals on the way! Why do you think you have made a mistake? Aside from spending a lot of money and getting beaten up by your wife? This hobbie is quite expensive. But you knew that before you got into it, right?
The only thing I would do is take out the crushed coral and put in live sand.
Good luck!


Active Member
I think you do what a lot of us do occassionally - and that is wanting to move fast. It is sometimes hard to resist the temptation to fill our tanks with livestock, and we have the tendency to say " the more the better" or " I can't stand this empty looking tank".
If these are your first corals, I personally would have gotten a mushroom or two and maybe a leather first off, then after awhile moved ahead with more corals. But that is just the way I did it - so I figure my advice is not totally impartial.
The clams - I've never had them - so others may have some suggestions there.
You did not make a mistake - you just got a lot of corals coming your way that you wanted.
I wish you luck with your tank and soon to be new corals !


I agree that it is a lot of expensive coral all at once, however, that way you can really plan your arrangment and have really good placement of your coral.
I do think you are a little short on light for those clams. (Unless I did not read your post correctly.) Do you have any MH lighting??? Maxima's really need MH. Dersas can take VHO. Can you make the change? I know maxima are beautiful and really expensive. However, IMHO I beleive that you will not have sucess. If you do try then keep the clam very high on your rock work so it can get the max light possible.
Just my .02


well this may sound dumb, but here in Columbus there is really not a wide selection of Saltwater aquariums or accessories, so I have no clue where to get the MH. All of the livestock that I mentioned, I had to order online. Does anyone recommend a second skimmer? What do you think about an eel? :rolleyes:


New Member
Hi Heh just joined this site and also just started my 80g.tank if you don't mind the drive we have a great shop here in Lima named Hawk's Aquatics @ 2553 W. Breese Rd. Phone is 419 999 4426 He has lots of lr,coral,fish and is so very helpful and full of information couldn't have done it this easy without him. He carries full line of eqip. also tell him I sent you You can at least see the coral in person. Nancy
[ May 30, 2001: Message edited by: harnangreen ]


Your in luck. Since you have internet acess you are now able to buy MH Lighting over the net. It is quite easy to do but you might have to search around a bit to find a place with good selection. I would rather buy equipment on-line that live stock.
If you can't find any stores on-line or don't want to waste a couple hours looking my e mail is I have 2 good stores IMHO that are worth checking out.
Ok, now we need to get some facts straight here. Missmyers, you said in a different thread that you were going to receive a small shipment of corals yesterday I think and you asked if it was ok for your tank. You mentioned you had an ammonia rating of .25 if I remember correctly and somebody warned you that you might be in trouble with an ammonia rating like that. Now you make another thread saying your ammonia levels are zero and you just placed another big order. I doubt your ammonia levels lowered down to zero in a day or two. You definately sound like you are stocking your tank too fast also. I don't want you to be disappointed when you find out that all the hundreds of dollars you just spent on coral are dying. I'm not trying to sound like a bad guy, I'm just confused on the facts. Let us know how it goes.
Sorry, the ammonia rating you posted before was .025, not .25. You either have an amazing test kit or you actually ment .25 because my test kit goes from 0-8.0 with large increments. My kit also states that a well established aquarium should always have an ammonia level of zero. Anything higher means you are either overfeeding, too many fish, inadequate biological fitration, or your tank is still cycling. Since I think you just started putting fish and corals in it, I doubt its overfeeding or too many fish. If I had to guess I'd say your tank is still cycling but in the final stages of it. I hope this info helps you out a bit. Good Luck!


Active Member
It is obvious that you do not need anyones help and are just asking random questions.
It is my opinion that you are not interesed in anyones advice.
I recommend you stop wasting our time and move on.


I agree with one in their right mind , nor anyone who has done the least amount of reading/researching in this hobby would add that much live stock to a tank all at once - let alone a tank that still has ammonia in the water. If you care that the corals live and if you want to save yourself alot of wasted money, cancel the order.
Ditch the Seaclone - it is not good enough for a tank that size and with the stocking levels you have. Get an AquaC Remora Pro or something of that caliber.
Finally, keep your fingers crossed and pray to the saltwater gods for good luck - you are going to need it.
Sorry if this is harsh, but too many people jump into this hobby looking for instant gratification and no research into what they are doing. It irritates and exasperates me no end :mad:


Well to clear things up! My ammonia level is at 0! The test kit that I have is a Marine Master Test Center, which tests pH, Nitrite, Ammonia & Copper. The Ammonia Detoxifier that I am using is Kordon Aquarium AmQuel Instant water Detoxifier. When I performed my ammonia test it reads that I have a .025 ammonia level, but the reason it is reading this is because my test kit is based on Nessler's Reagents and the detoxifier is based on Salicylate Reagents. I took a water sample over to Petland here in Columbus who performed the water test and everything came out alright. I did receive my shipment today and so far so good. The large shipment is scheduled for delivery on Monday afternoon. I do not understand all of the rudeness. I just want some advice and some opinions.
I thank you! :p 0


One of the hardest things, especially when just starting out is wishing that things would work. All that is happening is that people who constantly give good advise and have experience like BurnNSpy just get a little craby when people keep on wishing and not listening. For example buying a bunch of stuff then asking if it will work or how to make it work by the time it arrives. This just sounds backwards to most people and can be a wast of money and livestock killed.
Think I will just answer the question about the eel. My answer is dont do it, in time your inverts will start to dissappear, eels tend to wiggle through everything and burrow under rocks, meaning, they will knock stuff over and make a mess. Would not advise putting an eel into this tank. Otherwise , gl


Active Member
Thank you Plato, you got me pegged right and I really appreciate the vote of confidence it helps keep me going at this.