Big Pile of Rubble!

I asked a question a little bit ago about vaccuming CC- Now, I have done this and all looked well. I bought some snails to curb the algae growth on the LR as well as question is this: Why do I have piles of sand and rock around my LR?? It looks like the snails are throwing junk down on the ground?? I am wondering if this matter will start to decay and pollute the water? I was kind of thinking shrimp or crabs might help eat some of this matter- OR better yet is there a fish that eats crap at the bottom?? Please give me your suggestions as to what this is and how to combat this problem!!! The tank has been up and running for 3 months now, I currently have a pair of clowns- that's it~


i would try some crabs, a sand sifting star does a great job if your crushed coral is finely crushed. i have 2, look into the gobies and blennies, some of them sift sand and stuff. goos luck and keep us posted.:)