Big poster?


Hi Oberra! I also wish you a very merry christmas! I know that moving is a hassle but maybe it will provide even a better spot for your new tank. Its sounds like your new tank will be awesome!! We have a little 12 gl nano at the office. I think 3 fish is all it can handle, had 5 and 2 of the tiny yellow clown gobies died. In it we now have a nemo, royal gramma and one yellow clown gobie and a bunc of lsp that are doing wonderfully well, even one sps at the top. Did you try to contact TR/texas rancher, aka blenny and mike. They really want to hear from you so if you would please contact them at marine and Of course you have to put the prefix to it-www.
That will be my christmas present from you to me if you do that o.k? o.k! Now get busy and do it!! Your mom will love the poster. YOu did say it was for your Mom and did you mean for you? Take Care and have a very merry christmas. Don't forget what the season is all about. Contact your friends from the other place and wish them a merry christmas as well.