Big problem


About 3 months ago,I got some polyps.Onthe rock,there were these things that look like a cross between an anemone and a polyp.The lfs store said they wouldn't hurt anything.Now they are on all my live rock and all my corals have died.Now,I'm not 100% sure that is the reason,but what else could it be.My question is,how can I get rid of them?I can't pick them off because they pull themselves into the rock when I try.They have a "tube" looking thing with tenticles coming out of them.They almost resemble a sun.What can I do???Any help identifying and exterminating will be sooooo appriciated.


i may be wrong but it sounds like aptasia(sp?) to me.they will sting your corals. heres a link to a pic.
it is the bottom pic. if that is indeed what you have you should get rid of it. id also be pretty pissed if my LFS told me that they were ok in your tank. a few ways to rid yourself of them are a syringe with kalk, or full of extreamly salty water. theres also a shrimp that will eat these. if you do a search on this board for aptasia you will get tons of help in that dept. whatever you do dont try and pick them off or anything like that. they could possibly break apart releasing tons mone spores which in return will add even more to your problem


Yep.That would be it.The lfs told me if I didn't like them I could pick them off!!!Maybe thats why I have so many.I picked a few off when I first got it.Thanks for the info.I better work on getting this fixed...


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp are G-R-E-A-T for removing aiptasia. I have one in my reef and he keeps it clear. I even bought a mushroom rock recently that had a piece of aiptasia on it. The lfs couldn't get it off so we just left it. The day after I put it in my tank, poof. Gone.