Big Problem!!!!


My glass hydrometer broke inside my tank.
How much of a problem is this going to be with that metal being in there?

devil dog

Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkid2
My glass hydrometer broke inside my tank.
How much of a problem is this going to be with that metal being in there?
Well that metal is mercury... most likely it would be that big of a problem but I would try to get it out if you can. But mercury it a heavy metal and is not good for you so be careful...


Active Member
I don't thing there is any mercury in a Hydrometer. You are talking about the thing you use to test for salinity right? My only concern in the case of a Hydrometer would be the metal weight at the bottom of the thing. If those got loose in the tank that could be a problem long term.


I think i got all the metal out. Just took a giant tube and sucked it out.
What could happen if I did not get all of it?


Active Member
They are only like little BB's aren't they? I don't know what they are - lead - steel - and even if I did I don't know what affect any in the tank would have. How big is the tank? Seems like a couple left in a large tank would not pose a risk but again let's see what someone in the know says.