
New Member
I have a blue fiji damsel and it bites on the fins on my clown fish. What should i do? Thanks for your help.


New Member
viper, i think you should flush him...if anything tried to hurt my clownfish, i would get very upset, they are such sweet little creature.
Damsels are notoriously aggressive. I had two domino damsels that became so bad, (trying to nip at everyone else in the tank), that I had to take them back to the LFS.


Staff member
This member's problem is posted elsewhere on the BB. Apparently a brand new member whose breezing in with the damsel problem.
I think mr. bubbles is really taking too much away from people that need help.
Lets help viper2oo7 with his problem.
Viper, I do not agree with flushing a fish. Sorry,
Take him back to a fish store or find someone who wants it. I think flushing is a last resort only effort.


New Member
i was assuming the damsel was stressing his clown out right now...if so i would flush him and not wait till tomorrow to take him back to the petstore...but if the damsel isn't too bad then its ok.


what is your tank size?
what kind of clownfish?
which fish did you introduce to the tank first?
is there any other fishs in the tank beside damsel and clown?
sorry about answering with questions


i would try to catch the damsel if hes picking on your clown. i wouldnt flush him that would be a waste of a good fish that someone else may want. catch him and take him back to the lfs try to find him a good home. sorry but i dont like when things are killed needlessly or just to do it for someting to do.