big question need a mod.....


is this a good deal ??????? im buyin an aquapod 24 gallon from my lfs it already has everything with it he's takin the live rock/ sand/water fro his own tank and he is going to come out and install it it comes with all filtersetc. and 70 wat mh he says i can grow all corral in this but i dont think so...... anyway the total is 699$ for everything
alsso do i need to cycle it if he is tackin cured live rock ,water from his own taanks and live sand from his own?


To be honest for $700 you could get a 90G or larger. A MH retro and build a hood. And still have room for sand and rocks. The price seems a little steep for me. I know you might not want something that big and are looking for a nano, I'm just showing you it's kinda pricey considering what you could get. And if he gave you all water/sand/rock from an established tank, no it won't need to cycle.


ty! thats what i was thinking to i really want a 75 gallon but cus im a 13 year old my parents said i need to start out small....... parents!


Active Member
I am a parent with a child with her own tank but I understand the hobby. I am sure that your parents dont understand that taking care of a larger tank is actually easier for a beginner, because the water parameters will not change as quickly in a larger tank. Maybe do some research on the difficulty of small nano tanks as opposed to a larger one.Print it out and show it to them.Also I would tell them ,if they are willing to spend that kind of money for you, I am sure they want you to have a postive experienceand this may be acieved with a larger tank.Good luck. I too feel that ,the price is too high.


Active Member
i convinced my parents with the same line...i landed myself a 95gal FOWLR tank...........................and a summer job


No, not a good deal, you can at least get a 55 gallon or larger tank with that amount of money. My 90 gallon tank, hood and stand was only about $450.00. Just add sand and rock and a few frags and grow your own corals.


Active Member
Look in the classifieds of this website and your news paper. Typically fish stores will sell (starter packages) which have your basic equiptment. This is fine for cycling the tank and some hardy fish. Then when you get more money get a better skimmer and lights and all that...or you can go the expensive route and do it all upfront. I made my tank so all I would need to do if i wanted to convert to a reef is better lights...a bigger main pump and I'm getting a sump soon. This landed me at 2500 with a brand new everything from a store which was a bit pricey but knew what they were talking about. I'd say if you looked for used tanks or packages you could do at least a 55 for that budget...depends what you want though, a reef or FOWLR.


Active Member
What are you all talking about:
Yes the nano cube is overpriced.
No you will spend alot more on a 90 gallon than $700. Tank and stand and light will cost that much alone. How about a filter, power head, heater....
The rock alone will cost $200-400 for a tank that size.


Active Member
Here are my opinions which you may agree or disagree with,
It's cheaper going "nano" because everything is in smaller portions. Nanos I think can be done by a beginner, the thing though is most beginners like me will slack sometimes and get lazy and not test their water. If you do your work it will be fine but you'll have to monitor it much more. If your a busy person and don't have the time to take care of a larger tank i wouldn't reccomend one. Also if your in school like me (freshmen in highschool) you'll be busy with school work and will forget about your tank and the other way around. It's a personal choice if you have the time and commitment.


Active Member
way to high.... my lfs has a 55 with 50lbsLR and dual 250MH right now for 699.00 stand and canopy


Active Member
if you do set up a tank always focus on school first. so finish your homework and then mess with your tank and play games. when i was 13 i set up a 20 gallon and didnt know anything about it until i found this forum. most of my things died and i wasted around 200 bucks for that 20 gallon. my grades went down to 3.67 and 3.83s from 4.0s. its not that much but to my parents it was a lot. well now i bought a 24 nano cube reef and i love it. im 14 now in 8th grade getting straight A's. always finished my homework and then mess with the tank. and if you really want a big tank i would suggest saving up money and doing chores.


ya i accidentily siad im 13 up ther i missed typed im actualy 11 ya my mom is given me 500 and i have like 300
and my dads doin 300


Active Member
I"m 15 and 9th grade (freshmen)...i got a bigger tank knowing sometimes I will get to busy and I need to be confident today I have to study so I can get away everynow and then without changin the water until the next week


THis just in im gettin a 75 gallon with everything for 1k w00000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by 8x8nhl
ty! thats what i was thinking to i really want a 75 gallon but cus im a 13 year old my parents said i need to start out small....... parents!
same here. ijust turne 15 on 3-1 :cheer: