big tank death syndrome


well if i were you i wouldnt buy anyfish for a while and just keep an eye on the ones you have now.if your corals and anemone are doing fine then maybe in another week if you could go get another coral and see how it does.if the corals are doing fine i wouldnt think the parameters are killin the fish.also after like 3-4 weeks of your fish you now have, doing fine then go out and go to a fish store that you can trust or even order off of SWF because they have some nice livestock.try to look for anything out of the ordinary on the fish,see if its rubbing against things,and also ask to see it eat but even doing that like sweetreef said there still could be inside infection,.



Originally posted by fishman77
and i dont think not having circulation behind the rock is killing the fish.:)

Thanks fishman.
As for my livestock, I have had better luck with lfs than mail order from here. In fact, of the three fish I've ordered online, none lived more than a week.
Here in the S.F. Bay Area we have some reputable stores and I often buy things that I've seen alive for a few weeks at the store before I bring them home.