Big tank question


Im looking to upgrade from my 55g reef to about a 125g tank. I plan on having two large islands of rock but not a huge rock wall. Maybe an inch of sand but thats it. I would like to have a tang or two, some community fish, and coral. LPS and softies. I will have a large protein skimmer, sump, and refugium below.
Im used to doing about a 5-10g water change each week. About how much would i have to take out in order to keep the tank good? I will be using RO/DI Water when doing water changes and filling to tank up initially.
How much and how often?


I too did the same switch and try to do a 5 - 6 gallons W.C.s every 3 days.
or 12 gallons a week or 25 a month but that can be too much i find.
good luck.

tank a holic

Active Member
i found it easier to do 30 wc's once a month in my 125
but now that my rock and corals are so high in the tank I cant take out that much water at 1 time to I do 10g every 2 weeks.... some may think thats not enough but my trates are in check


So about a 20g water change once a month should be good? Or maybe a 10g every two weeks? You sure that is enough?


Active Member
I suppose it depends on your stock list,feeding schedule,equipment.etc... I have a 130 gallon thats not overstocked and I do a 45-50 gallon change every 2 weeks.

tank a holic

Active Member
sounds good
as you're going along if the change isnt keeping up with your trates then step it up but a good fuge goes a loooooong way