big tanks


New Member
i think i might be getting a 240 for the second floor of my house. my only problem is the wieght of the tank. have any of you attempted a larger 200+ size on a 2nd floor. thanks in advance for your support.


Get a contactor to come look at your house for you and hell give u an estimate on if u can put that much weight in one spot or not.
I have my 420 on the main floor (above a basement). I was doing work on my house at the time, so my contractor opened the ceiling below the tank, tripled up the floor joist in the middle of the tank (the joists are parallel to the tank) and then put a steel column under the joists). It'll hold up the whole house. I agree with Liontamer to check with a good contractor. But if there's a will, there is usually a way.


Active Member
I think it would depend on how old it was. By todays standards, floors have to hold up 180 lbs per sq inch or something. Stand on your big toe, and if you dont go through the floor, the tank wont either.


New Member
I agree with gasguzler it really depends on the age of the house. If it is an older home you may need some additional support. I had a home built in the 1920's and would not put anything larger than a 155 on the second floor.


New Member
thank for all your replys had a contractor come and give the big OK. so any ways im not getten a 240 found a better deal on a 220 in florida. this guy is hookin me up big time. custome tank 72x24x30 tank, stand, conopy, and wet dry with all pumps and fittings for 1000. it was gonna cost me 1000 just for the tank top and stand. so no worrys here. i also can use em as a hook up for fish and sharks. he collects in the keys and he quoted me 150 for a 12inch smoothy when my tanks ready for it.


yea thats what happened at my brothers house his house was built in the 1970's and the 280 wasnt goin any where but his basement