Big time newbie


New Member
:help: I am so new to this hobby that I dont even have my tank started as of right now it sits on the stand I have for it and collects dust I'm trying to gather opinions on sustrate and filtration starters.
I do have a Fluval 403 and Magnum 350 canister filter and two biowheels, are either of these sufficient for water filtration or movement? where does one start in a hobby with so many options?
P.S my tank is 100gal


Welcome!!! You can use the canister filters, but they arent really that great for anything but water movement. You can put carbon in there every now and then. But the problem with them is that they trap a lot of detrius in thier sponge and its a hassle to take apart to clean out the sponge. And if you leave it in too long, the detrius will break down intro nitrates. I've heard the bio wheels are detris traps as well, but I've never used one.
Squishy is right on the money. They only thing that I think needs to be added to his statement is to go out and get a good book. The "Conciencous Saltwater Aquariust" by Fenner is probably the best and most recommeneded.


Active Member
Hi There!

What is your ultimate goal for your tank? Reef? Just fish? Aggressive fish?


New Member
:yes: Thanks for the advice on where to start everyone! Now I need to gather more opinions.
1. Substrate CC or sand (live or just sand)
2. What do you know about mud filters or whats the best to have?
3.Is it a good idea to set up a protien skimmer


I would go with sand. It would be cheapest to go with sand and add some live sand to it. You have to decide if you want a deep sand bed or not. Do some research on this board about it. ton of info and different views.
A protein skimmer would be very beneficial. I dont know anything about mud filters.


New Member
thanks again for the info just wonderin what the difference in substrate depth would do and how much sand and live sand should be mixed