BIG water change!


What happens if you change like 50-60 percent of the water in a FO tank??? I just got my RO unit and I want to replance alot of the tap water!


Active Member
I don't really like to do a 50% water change unless there is a MAJOR problem. You could get away with weekly 25% water changes though.


Active Member
yeah dont do tooo big of a WC unless somethign bad happend and u need to rid of it.. but my regular wc is 40% of my water at the end of every month.


What is wrong with a big water change of like 50%. Many people say the same thing on the site and I do a 60-70% water change, often times water drained so it is just covering the fishes heads - every week.
My 5 freshwater tanks are thriving and healthy.
As long as the saltwater you mixed up is the same temp (give or take 1 degree) and the ph the same at the main tank, why is a big water change a problem?


Heck don't worry to much about it, its not like you will be doing this routine all the time right?. When I had a 55 gallon and crushed coral I did 50% changes all the time. Just make sure that you keep your filter media wet so none of the bacteria gets killed.
Now if you have been using tap water all this time remember that it will be changed by becoming salt water, chlorimine and chlorine will naturally come out of that water, but the heavy metals will remain. Any ammonia or phosphates may be giving you algea problems but they too will be eventually spent, unless you continually have been reintroducing them by adding tap water, but a balanced system can combat them if mature.
Go for it, do a 50% change and you should be ok, just remember the rules about mixing new water, 24-48 hours, aeriated, match salinity and temp.


The reason for not doing it is, the more water you remove the more benifical bacteria you remove... Remember that cycle? part of that was letting the bacteria multiply..


Thanks for the help m8!!!
Do you know about how long after beginning to Use Ro water the hair algea will go away? Also what should I let the water sit 24-48 hours??? Is it bad if I dont??


Active Member
Aireate or use a power head in the container you using to store your change water in for at least 24 hours before adding to tank
If you remove what is causing the algae to grow its just a matter of time before the cleanup crew knocks it out.
I am not sure exactly what I did to stop my algae growth could be the tank has just matured a bit more but the addition of a yellow tang knocked off the tops of my hair algae and the snails moved in and scraped the glass clean shortly afterward. The back of the tank is now nearly spotless and the crew has moved over to the sides. I now have to supplement algae sheets for the tang and he has only been in there a couple of weeks.
I have my fingers crossed with my few patches of cyano which appears to be struggling for survival also.
Once you get rid of the tap water its likely the same scenario will play out in your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shnabbles
The reason for not doing it is, the more water you remove the more benifical bacteria you remove... Remember that cycle? part of that was letting the bacteria multiply..
Not really.. most of the bacteria is on the surfaces in the aquarium, not free floating.
Saltwater does differ from freshwater, however. In addition to temp and pH, you have all of your trace elements, plus salinity of course. Also realize that the ocean is a much larger body of water than any freshwater ecosystem. Freshwater organisms see more changes naturally than saltwater.


Murph I have no clean up crew or algea eating fish.. Will the RO water by itself get rid of most of the algea??? If not how els do i kill it besides the Use of Ro water?? Are there any supplements I can use??
Can someone please help???


Active Member
No supplements.
Just do regular water changes. Over time the nutrients will get diluted and the algae will start to die off.
How long do you run your lights? You might try cutting them back a bit.


Originally Posted by Thomas712
Heck don't worry to much about it, its not like you will be doing this routine all the time right?. When I had a 55 gallon and crushed coral I did 50% changes all the time. Just make sure that you keep your filter media wet so none of the bacteria gets killed.
Now if you have been using tap water all this time remember that it will be changed by becoming salt water, chlorimine and chlorine will naturally come out of that water, but the heavy metals will remain. Any ammonia or phosphates may be giving you algea problems but they too will be eventually spent, unless you continually have been reintroducing them by adding tap water, but a balanced system can combat them if mature.
Go for it, do a 50% change and you should be ok, just remember the rules about mixing new water, 24-48 hours, aeriated, match salinity and temp.
Thomas712, I agree with you. Whats important is that you have saltwater that has been mixed 24-48 hours ahead of time, the temp, salinity and ph the same as the tank you will be doing the water change in.
I am a big proponent of feeding your fish and verts well, which many people are against, however, I am into big water changes which people are also generally against. My inhabitants get very happy after a water change, they love it.
I do big water changes all the time with no issue.