biggest puffer?


Our porcupine puffer is 14 1/2 inches long and as you can see by the picture very healthy (fat as a pig) we have had her about 4 years, she laid eggs about 6 months ago and it made quite a mess in our tank, no damage to the system just plugged up all the filters. Her tankmates are an 8 inch stars & stripes puffer, 6 inch lion, 6 inch niger trigger, 6 inch clown trigger and a 6 inch orange stonefish.
Their home is an 125 gal. tank with an ocienic 150 sump, emperor 400 and a whisper triad. Tank has been up and running for over 4 years.
Just wondering if anyone has a puffer that size or bigger.


gawd how do you manage the bio-load...? water changes after every feedings? man with that sort of aggressive setup with the big fishes...especially the two big puffers, you must have to throw in a few pounds of seafood in there everyday...whats your secret?


Active Member
Pretty nice puffer. I lost one not too long ago that was almost 20 inches. He was too big for my 150. But, the NC aquarium at Fort Fisher has a porky that's head is about 15 inches wide. He is like three feet, well, almost. Big guy though.


We feed them once a day they get 3 1/2 medium fresh shrimp and some freeze dried krill, and some freeze dried seaweed once a week and every now and then we throw in a couple mussels.
The bio load has not been a problem we change filters and charcoal every 2 weeks and do a 30 - 40 per cent water change every 28 days. We test for nitrites, nitrates, ammonia, and ph once a week and we have not had any problems in over 2 years, no sickness or stress.
Have not been able to add more fish because of their size, it costs to much buy fish this big, all these were under 3 inches when they were brought home.



Originally posted by doe5ia14
sohotang and triggeraa
Would either of you happen to have full tank pics?

Trying to download full tank shot but it keeps telling me the picture is to big. Going to try and change camera paramiters


I know at Disney in Florida, in the living seas they had a nice size pork puffer. It wasnt in the big tank but another floor tank just off to the left ( looked like a swimming pool filled with saltwater fish ) he was nice and big...


wow that is a big and beautiful puffer... you must love him....when i get my pics back from this weekends vacation to sin city ill post a pic of a puffer that had to be ~20" long and about as round as a canalope... im not sure if they even get that big or the thick glass just made him seem that big