Biggest tank in a Apartment ?

rabid frog

Active Member
I had a 55 on the second floor. But I would check with your property manager. They tend to frown upon anything larger than 10 gallons in any apartment. I have to have renters insurance on my tank.


When I had an appt. I had a 55 without problems. Now I have a 125 with 30 gallon sump on the second floor. We have a raised ranch style house. No problems cept with getting make-up water to the tank...


New Member
one of my friends has a 90 with a 20 gallon sump in a 2nd floor apartment and I swear that it's sinkin into the floor but he refuses to believe it.


Active Member
Depends on what the load rating for the floor is really. Most tanks 40G or under are safe. Look at the bath tub, its usually the heaviest object on the floor when filled with water and most wont displace over 40 gallons with an adult inside, You could go larger but over time the additional weight will strain the timber beneath the floor and cause structural problems. Especially if you spill water on the floor and it sinks into the subfloor and timbers beneath, then warping can occur even faster. And if the structure becomes noticeably damaged you could be liable. Just something to think about.
There are some really nice small tanks too. Especially some of the nano designs.


i have a 60 gallon on the third ones said anything yet.......had it here for 3 years


I lost my deposit because of the damage the water did to the wood floor beneath which wasnt even that bad in my opinion, when I left I put a board across the floor and measured it, it was slightly lower where the 55G tank was. Just slightly lower not much, but more ammo for the landlord to keep my deposit.