biggest tank jump?


New Member
I currently have a 284 liter tank( 75 gallons ) but am thinking of jumping to a 1000 liter (265 gallon) tank being that i am only a year into the hobby would i be asking for headaches by making such a big jump in tank size or shall i be okay with it? thanks in advance, cheers


Active Member
there really is minimal difference, except for larger, more expensive equipment, lighting, water changes, additives (dosage)
but other than that, the water will be more stable in a larger system.
(i went from 75g to 150g.)


Make sure to keep a QT/HT. It is too hard to treat a tank that size especially when you have live rock and/or corals.

shark bait

use your 75 as a sump and refuge and that will help cut the cost. What are you going to keep in it fist before I say if it is easy or not?


IS that custom tank size or is it a standard bit? Where abouts in London are you?


New Member
Originally Posted by 3M
IS that custom tank size or is it a standard bit? Where abouts in London are you?

you know exactly where i am you git!
LOL and Yes its a stock bit , Do you think i can afford one of those fancy tanks? I wish. hows your tank comin along? :thinking:


Active Member
talkin' to a git in tha loo and the mate sold me a blunderin' 135 after my 90 and we had a grand time at the barby ay


ummmmmmm right
figure this out smart arse
he's all pat tonight.He broke his chalk. he's ‘aving terrible trouble with his April. NOW, He’s three stops down from Plaistow


Active Member
TEXAS..... :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
but when i lived in thailand i had alot of british and australian friends that would would argue and i would be rolling in laughter 2min after they start ..