Bio-ball/live rock question


Active Member
Just one question, does liverock have to be fully submerged in order to filter water? I know when using bio-balls water drips on them and they aren't fully submerged in water. So bio-balls can just be replaced by lr correct? Live rock doesn't have to be fully submerge in water, water can drip on them right?


Active Member
Both provide filtration, just in different methods. The LR is very pourous so it houses large colonies of bacteria. Those backteria cycle your nitrogen cycle. Bio balls do the same thing only very efficiently as they are not completely underwater and being exposed to air can do it very well. Which ever method you choose you must remember they will both collect waste in the sump. This waste must be cleaned on occasion or you will have nitrate problems. I personally don't like LR in the sump.
Look at how you'll do your maintenance and decide is what is best for you.


Active Member
Ok, so either way you are going to have to clean them both. Whens a good time to clean them, every 6 months? That answers my question thanks


Active Member
Depends on your load and what you're doing. Lots of fish and lots of feeding would mean cleaning more often. Little fish and most softies that you're not feeding then you coud go some time between cleaning.
On the safe side, I'd not go more than 3 months either way.
Let us know which way you go and good luck with it!


Active Member
what about puting live rock IN WITH the bio-balls? So more aggressive fish=more cleaning ... makes perfect sense


Be careful with the LR and BIO balls combination. I suppose it depends on the amount of LR considered to the BIO balls, but When I was using both, I had a huge problem with nitrates. After talking to several people, I removed the BIO balls, and everything dropped and worked perfectly, if you have enough LR, there is no need for BIO balls.