bio-balls:doing a move

sea worthy

im about to move a 125g into a new home, gonna be fun right!
question:how long can the bio-balls remain out of water flow, but still contained in the w/d without losing the culture? Iplan to take 50% of the tank water with me


not to long, hour tops. if you keep them moist by wrapping a wet towl around them or paper or something they can last much long, 3+ hours

sea worthy

Originally Posted by hedonic
not to long, hour tops. if you keep them moist by wrapping a wet towl around them or paper or something they can last much long, 3+ hours
if I do happen to loose the culture will 50% of the tank H2O bring it back enough to hold up the original fish load?


tough question. I recently moved my 55, wrapped the bio-balls in a wet towl while I did the move and could only save maybe (probaly a little less) 50% of the water. Everything made it fine, except a torch coral, and my biggest brittle star. Anytime you disturb the tank like this their probaly will be causualities.


Active Member
If you're like most of us you have empty salt buckets around. Just toss the balls in a bucket with water from your tank. That will keep them wet and safe.
Good Luck with the move.


Active Member
Yup, put them ina bucket with tank water and keep them wet. Keep as much old tank water as possible! Make sure to have newly cured SW waiting to top off when you get to your new location. I have moved several tanks and never lost a thing.....