bio balls or filter ?

mpls man

Active Member
i was at the lfs and the person i talked to said they set up reef tanks with a hang in filter where the bio balls would go, this would be in my wet dry filter. he said the nitrates and nitrites, phos would go down a lot, how does anyone else feel about this. :notsure:


at first yes. but bioballs area nitrite factory... id get it and conver it into a fuge with ls and rocks and a good supply of macro alges....


I don't see how a HOB filter would reduce your nitrates and phosphates while in a wet/dry or in anyway reduce them.
Anyone can prevent nitrates with a wet/dry with simple maintanence and proper feeding.


the bioballs would reduce the nitrates... for sure... i agree there are otherways... as far as the phosphates go... rodi water... thaw your food and strain... if you have a dsb do proper maitnence.... ect ect... im sure youve heard the spiel

mpls man

Active Member
oh yes , i can understand everything else as far as general mant, i was just curious if this would be a better route to go, i'm sorry thomas about describing the filter part, this is a bag type filter that would replace the bio balls all together, the water coming from the over flow box would run down to the wet dry then into the filter bag, then to the sump, kind of understand.:yes: thats why i'm wondering if this is any better, would a fuge be even better? if so can i make the wet dry into one with what i have?, that would be great, thank you for the help:happy:


Bio balls are just plastic and work the same as live rock(bacteria farm hence the term bio). If you let them clog up with larger particals of matter they lose their fuctionality. Live rock how ever has other life forms besides bacteria(sponges clams fan worms) that also help reduce nitrates.