Bio Balls replaced by LR?


I have a 75 gallon tank with a wet/dry running with bio balls. I have had problems bringing down my nitrates and through reading here have determined that the bio balls are the culprit.
I want to replace it with LR, but how much would be an appropriate amount to place in the wet/dry? The tank currently has over 90 pounds of LR in it and also have a jebo protein skimmer in the sump.
Thank you in advance for your advice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stuckinfla
Do not disturbe all the bio's at once, do it over some time not to upset system.
I agree, just a little at a time until it's all been replaced.


that's what i've done so far...removed 1/4 today and will replace with the same amount of LR tomorrow, etc, etc...
thanks for the advice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by volunteerg
that's what i've done so far...removed 1/4 today and will replace with the same amount of LR tomorrow, etc, etc...
thanks for the advice!
I would go maybe a week-2 weeks between switching out more. Let the system catch back up.


i may be worng, but if you have 90 lbs in a 75 in the display, you dont need to add any to the sump. just let the water trickle through a filter pad. the lr in the display should be more than enough, depending on you bio load


Active Member
Originally Posted by OSB
i may be worng, but if you have 90 lbs in a 75 in the display, you dont need to add any to the sump. just let the water trickle through a filter pad. the lr in the display should be more than enough, depending on you bio load
Yeah that should be all you need in that system. Although putting more rock in there by putting it in your sump will of course not hurt a thing.
I am currently removing my bioballs as well due to a high spike of nitrates recently. I am taking out about 1-2 layers per week (im on week 2). I looked through some of the balls and I was finding chunks of... whatever.. inside them.. it freaked me out to see that.. how could such large chunks manage to make it past two sponges is beyond me.


New Member
I Am also removing my bio balls and replacing with live rock. I put half of them in a coil denitator that I built. Looks good, hopefully it will work right.