
kart racer

I have seen alot of discussion on these lately, the good and the bad of them. I have them so my question is how many and how often should they be cleaned. I wouldnt think you would want to do them all at once so how many? Been considering a fuge and just do away with the balls but until then this is what I have so I will work with it. Any comments welcomed.


Active Member
It depends on the rest of your filtration, as does everything in this hobby when it comes to maintenance.
But many people w/ bioballs suggest rinsing them off every month or so. And only cleaning 25% or so of them when you do so. Some people lightly rinse the sponge pad in the wet dry, although I never did this when I had one, at least not regularly at all.
Depending on whether youre running a reef set-up or a FOWLR, I personally remove the bioballs in exchange for LR in the wet-dry.


Active Member
I ran them for 2 years in my 125 and never had to touch them. Of course, my flow rate was through the roof so turnover wasnt a problem.


If you rinse them you destroy the bio filtration. Filter large particles before the bio balls.


Active Member

Originally posted by tvan
If you rinse them you destroy the bio filtration.

Hence the reason people only rinse a small portion of them at a time. I never managed to do it every month, that's for sure.
But like gas, my flow rate and other filtration has always been overkill anyways.


Active Member
i dont rinse my biobalzz.. they look like if they when new... no smell no nothing.. but then agin.. i swap out the filtet pad then lays on the drip plate 1x a month.. tanks literally 30 sec..


I had them in my sump and yanked them there was some nasty stuff in there with them and just put a fuge in there and it made a nice difference I wont use them again just don't like the crap they hold onto.