bio balls


patti w

so i run a canister filter. i change or rinse out the pads every month. is this enough or too much? and reusing carbon pad..good? bad?
one time the water was really really bad. i had neglected it a bit longer. so i dumped out the canister, and put tank water in..rinsedf the pads. did this affect the bio balls? do i just rinse them if needed?


Well-Known Member
Bioballs should be rinsed in old tank water at every water change. I dislike canister filters, personally. Carbon should be replaced every 30days. Most tanks require carbon onl once in awhile.

patti w

i do clean, just wasnt sure how far to go with the bio balls. im correct on them. thank you


Well-Known Member
Bioballs is kinda the same as live rock rubble. Even live rock rubble needs to be taken out and rinsed to keep detritus from clogging it all up.
update on this..i took out 25% of bio balls over 4 weeks. 25% each week. now my tank has never done better! i put live rock in the bio balls place!


Active Member

holy crap i have had my wet and dry system and never clean the bio balls ..had since april

It has more to do with how much you feed then how often you clean the bio balls