Bio balls


I have a well established tank with a 5+DSB. The tank has been operational for about 2 years. Originally, I had CC but switched to DSB about 5 months ago. Should I keep the bio balls in my wet/dry or take them out?
120 Gal FOWLR
1 Yellow tang
1 Blue tang
1 Sailfin tang
3 chromis
1 cleaner wrass
1 tomato clown
1 sleeper gobie
1 scooter blenny
1 bicolor blenny
1 coral banded shrimp
1 sandsifter star
emerald crabs, snails, blue and scarlet leg hermits
Wet/Dry filter w bioballs
5+” DSB
Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates undetectable,
PH 8.2, Salinity 1.024


Active Member
11 fish is a fairly high bioload. If your nitrates are undectable I would leave it be. It seems to be working so why change. Especially in a FOWLR tank.


Active Member
I would keep the bioballs in. Occasional water changes or a nitrate spike is better than having an ammonia spike, which would be possible with your bio-load.