Bio-cube questions


Active Member
ok I am going out to find a stand for a 14 gallon Bio cube. can someone tell me the dimensions of the tank? also how much will it weight roughly?? will a stand that can support 200lbs work or do I need it to support more?? why should I put live rock in it? what are the benefits?? has anyone done just regular rock from there LFS? how much rock? (live or not) should I put in my 14 gallon cube?? lso live sand vs sand? why live sand? is one better than the other?? then how much sand? (live or not)
lots of questions that I really haven't gotten answers too yet... hoping this thread will refresh my questions.


New Member
Live rock and live sand are a part of the overall biological fintration system in the tank. Without them you can probably have a successful tank but you will need some really good filtration.
Aside from the filtration aspect they also provide a natural food source.