bio load? and clarkii question


I just got a clarkii clown and a condi anemone -- its hosting the clown but the clown digs up the sand around it kinda burrowing it down and it makes the anemone fall over and what not -- is this normal for them? or should i put that anemone on some rock? it almost seems like the clarkii tries and hide under neath it, then sometimes it lays on top of it. Also can i add maybe 2 percs and a flame angel in my 36G bow tank? all i have now is that clarkii and the condi with about 35 lbs LR and 40lbs of sand and 20lbs of live sand. bout 8 hermits 2 turbos and one conch


Active Member
Yes - see if you can gently move the condy to a rock. They are more likely to stay in one place when their foot is secured to a rock or rock crevis. Or you can wait and see of the anemone will find it's own place.
Clarkii clowns will move the substrate around a lot. They fan it with their tails. Mine does the same thing near it's anemone.
I would not place two percs in with the Clarkii. The Clarkii will most likely be aggressive towards them.
Personally I think the flame would appreciate a larger tank too - but that's your choice.


I would not add the percs with the clarki in that small of a tank could cause some aggressions. The flame angel would like a 50g but it would live in that size tank.


hey thanks for the info---- what would be some other fish i could have in there with the clarkii that has some bright colors?-- and would another clarkii be bad or another 1 or 2 different type of clowns?


I would recommend maybe a few of these fish.
Bi-Color blennie
Royal Gramma
Green Banded Goby
Blue Reef Chromis
Citron Clown Goby
Those are some colorful fish that would be happy in your tank.



Originally posted by Neowind
I would recommend maybe a few of these fish.
Bi-Color blennie
Royal Gramma
Green Banded Goby
Blue Reef Chromis
Citron Clown Goby
Those are some colorful fish that would be happy in your tank.

I have a bi color blennie and a Royal Gramma and they are both great. The Blennie has so much personality, he is so much fun to watch. The Gramma is pretty new to my tank still but he is a beautiful color and fun to watch. I was told that Gramma's are 'ick factories' though...not sure if there is truth to it or not but i am watching mine closeley.
just my 2 cents


I'll second the bi-color... my fav fish. My Clarkii is also an engineer, loves to dig big ditches in my sand bed.