Bio-Load too High?


New Member
Okay, I know I have alot of questions but I'm still dealing with this Nitrate problem. I have a 55gal with a wet dry, pump is 500GPH. I have about 2" of LS.(getting more) about 40 pds LR(getting more) I have 1 regal tang(about 4ins), 1 foxface(about 6 ins), 1 coral beauty, 1 firefish, 1 cardinal(black & white) and 1 fish I don't know(in my book he looks like a pterleotris evides??). Do you think this might be too many fish for my tank? I have no clean up crew to speak of except what was in the LS. I'm afraid to add anything with my nitrates so High(about 80ppm)


How long has the tank been up and running?
Nitrates are caused from the conversion of ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrates by your wet/dry. It is my understanding that the nitrates can be removed through water changes. What water changes do you perform? How much and how often?
Do you have algae problems in the tank?


New Member
My tank is about a year and 1/2 old. I have done 2 water changes in 2 weeks. I know I need to KEEP doing them. I use RO water when I do. I think the nitrates have been high a long time.( I didn't pay much attention to the tank for a while) I guess it's just gonna take a while for them to come down. I was looking for a temp. quick fix.


There really are no quick fixes in our hobby. Usually, a quick fix is an invitation to disaster. Qucik fix one thing and something else reacts to it. I think you are doing the right thing by doing the water changes and using the RO water. Keep it up and the nitrates should be reduced.
In regards to biolode, I'm not convinced that you aren't stocked a little heavy but with the water changes and depending upon what other filtration you have, you will probably be ok.


I think you are overstocked. By the "one inch of fish per 5 gallon" rule of thumb you're well above the 11 or so inches you should/could have. I figure you're around 18, conservatively.
Further, you've got a hippo tang in your 55 and I believe the majority opinion would suggest you not put a hippo in anything smaller than a 75-100 gallon. I made that mistake and ended up with an ick epidemic that wiped out all of my fish (tangs are very prone to ick if stressed by tank conditions). addition to continuing the water changes, I'd reduce your bioload by, at least two of them being the tang.