queen angel

New Member
I have a 6 gallon with two 13 watt compact fluorescents over 15lb live rock, 20lb live sand, and a neon blue damsel. My boyfriend is willing to give me a colony of yellow polyps, some green stripped and blue mushrooms, green and white star polyps and a colt frag.
My question is how long should I wait to add each coral? Or can I add them all at once? I asked my boyfriend, but he insisted that I do my own research, I guess I can't argue with him considering he is being so gracious to give me all the items that I, of course, chose from his tank. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
Mighty generous boyfriend you got there. I would think adding them all at once would be fine so long as your water quality is good. Your amnonia, nitrites and nitrate levels are at 0. And your calcium is up, your ph around 8.2 or 8.3 and have a iodine supplement for the poylps. Good luck with the nano.


Sounds like your boyfriend is an ass, a generous one, but an ass non the less.
I mean really he's kept these things and therefor knows the answers, but just doesn't tell you. What the heck is that?????????????
I would say your safe to add them.


Active Member
Well I would'nt call him names. I mean I know if I actually take the time to learn something it tends to stick with me. Rather than just having it handed over. But who am I to say he is or is not.

queen angel

New Member
Well I have to disagree with you Kris, my boyfriend my no means possible has been an ass about the fact that I have finally taken an interest in a hobby that he absolutely loves. I did not ask you your opinion of my boyfriend, I asked for your opinion about my saltwater tank. I would appreciate it if you would just answer my question and not give unneeded, invalid information. I do not find a problem with his approach of wanting me to learn on my own. Of course I have already learned a lot from him, but I am excited about learning for myself.


well said Queen Angel! the corals should be fine added together if your levels are good, like the others have said. Good Luck!!
You should maybe add half of them and wait and test the levels. If everything is still good after a few days go ahead and add the rest, at least thats what I would do. Better to only risk half of them at first....


Active Member
Queen Angel, Ben True does have a good point. I mean adding a few at a time over the coarse of maybe a week or two is not a bad idea. You will just simply need to moniter your water a little more frequently. Better than ending up with a bunch of dead softies!!!