Bio Majors Unite!!!


Active Member
Anyone out there a past/present/future biology major. I will be taking my final for my first intoductory bio class in college tomorow and it was the best class I have ever taken in college. I can't wait to take more. I will be applying to the major as soon as a meet all the basic requirements. Biology is the coolest subject out there! Anyone agree?


Active Member
My dad's a surgeon and if I wanted to be a doctor I would also want to be to be a surgeon, but I want something that I can do part time while my future children are growing up so and it's really hard to be part time surgeon. Also, I'm terrified of giving/recieving shots and I have yet to be able to get over my fear so that rules out being a doctor also. I'd really love to study marine ecosystems and see how global warming is affecting the system, but we'll see what types of jobs are available once I've actually graduated.


My wife has her degree in biology and went on to complete her DVM. Very flexible degree for science related careers.
Good Luck!


Im a bio major too. I just got accepted into

school. THis might be a career you would be interested in if you want flexible hours. And, there are many different options in

, not just being a pill counter at walgreens!


Active Member
I really want to do research. When I first started college (last year) I though I really wanted to go into the medical field but I've changed my mind. But the great thing about majoring in biology is that there are so many different careers that stem off of it.


Im year 3 of 5 in bio up here in Canada. Anyone thats actually completed a bio degree and looked at the job market, what kind of things are actually available down in the USA?


Well-Known Member
I am actually a biologist, teaching at a major University in New York. The job market for biologists has never been better - the growth of the biotechnology industry has opened many more jobs than there are trained people to fill them. for most good jobs in biology, though, you should expect to do graduate study to at least the MS level. I always tell my students not to consider a graduate program (with the exception of health-related professional schools) if they are going to have to pay for it. Any decent program at the graduate level should have fellowships that will cover tuition, and usually pay a salary. The salary isn't much, just enough to starve to death slowly, but it is something. Biology rocks! :cheer:


got my Bs in Marine biology and getting my MS in marine aquaculture and a future PHD in probably marine coastal biology/ thesis is with fresh water ich and columaris on catfish...if you want to do marine research there are lots of things out there just have to know where to look or what classes you need to take to meet job requirements.....Marine fisheries and aquaculture are the best things hiring right now and any saying there isnt any jobs in a marine science i am willing to be anything i can find AT LEAST 50 jobs throughout the US


forgot to mention biology is the coolest thing EVER!!! been hooked since i was a wee